Scandalous Heroes Box Set
television. On the screen was an image of a fashion show. Another flashed to the fashion queen Mirabella Battaglia.
    “Turn up the volume!” Kyra said grabbing the remote from Jamie and punching the volume up several notches.
    “We’ve learned that Catalina Battaglia has arrived in town with a Marietta Leone Battaglia, Mirabella’s sister…” The news reporter paused . “Recently Mirabella Ellison Battaglia released the following statement through the Italian press”. An image of Mirabella at the height of her career was shown on the television as the reporter read her statement. “ ‘I’m happy to share the wonderful news that I have been reunited with my twin sister. Marietta Leone has also become a member of our family by marrying Lorenzo Battaglia. We are overwhelmed with love and family right now, including the additions of our sons, Gino and Gianni. I’d like to thank my friends and colleagues for their outpour of support and well wishes. We ask that our family be given privacy to adjust to the changes and blessings we’ve received. Grazie. Mirabella Battaglia.’”  The scene on the television flashed to an image of the Battaglia women walking out of the front doors to the Waldorf where news cameras waited. Kyra’s heart leapt to her throat when she saw the bodyguard again.
    “See him? Right there!” Kyra pointed. She jumped from her seat and went to the television and pointed directly at Renaldo. The cameraman was briefly focused on his tall handsomeness as he held the door open for Catalina and Marietta to ease into the backseat of a car.
    “Mmm… tasty, who is he?” Jamie asked.
    “A bodyguard for the Battaglias. He is so damn fine, Jamie. I swear… So fine!”
    “Here you see Catalina Battaglia and the sister, who until now the world never knew about. Mirabella once ran her fashion house with her partner Fabiana Girelli who unfortunately died in Italy under suspicious circumstances. Our sources say that the Battaglias are here in New York to discuss relocating their New York operations back to Italy. Since Mirabella’s return to the fashion world her designer label has been in high demand across the International community. This is Katie Mathews reporting for Channel One news.”
    “So fine,” Kyra shook her head.
    “Honey, deal with one man at a time. Remember Poindexter?” Jamie snickered.
    “Oh that’s over. And besides I was joking. I wouldn’t date the bodyguard. He isn’t my type. But a girl can have some fun,” Kyra teased.
    “Mmhm,” Jamie replied. “Fine men are like a nice pair of shoes, a girl wants to try him on at least once.”
    “True,” Kyra laughed. She walked over to her dresser’s mirror to turn her head left and then right. Though she pressed her hair straight it still had volume and a bit of a bounce. “The man barely knows I exist. He’s all serious and robotic. Today he spoke to me though. Asked for a cup of coffee. And his voice, it was different, really thick and textured. Made me feel… never mind. A girl can have her crush.”
    “Yes, have the fantasy. I hear Italian men are passionate,” Jamie said.
    “I think they are Sicilians living in Italy. But yea, I agree. I heard the same thing. Wonder if Cezar is mixed with some Italian? He said he’s from Romania but he grew up never knowing his father. Maybe that’s the passion that keeps bringing him back?” Kyra smiled.
    “No, honey. Stop the presses. That’s a raw case of bug-a-boo Cezar has, not passion. Boyfriend needs to get off your scent and find a Becky to mess with. What is with you and all these white boys anyway?” Jamie half-joked.
    Kyra rolled her eyes. “The last person who needs to be prejudiced against a person’s outward appearance is you, Jamie.”
    Jamie nodded. “Touché. I’m not prejudiced. But your family is. Or have you forgotten?”
    Kyra’s smile faded. The mention of her family knifed her in the gut. “My family isn’t prejudiced, just conservative. They are

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