Cassie's Hope (Riders Up)

Read Cassie's Hope (Riders Up) for Free Online

Book: Read Cassie's Hope (Riders Up) for Free Online
Authors: Adriana Kraft
bull, she strolled through the small carnival
area, stopping along the midway to buy some cotton candy, which she hadn’t
eaten since she was a teenager. She laughed at grown men trying to knock over
wooden milk bottles with three baseballs to impress their female companions. She
watched the Octopus spinning and jerking up and down and listened to the girls
scream as guys bent over to whisper in their ears. Didn’t sound any different
than the teens she worked with. Same bravado, jeers, and cheers. “Oh well,” she
yawned, heading for the parking lot. She must be getting old.
    Nearing her vehicle
she frowned and slowed. Three young men slouched haphazardly against the hood
of her red pickup.
    A tall wiry blond-mustached
cowboy stumbled toward her, slurring his words as he spoke. “Well, if ain’t the
fancy lady trainer from the east. Welcome to our town.” The tipsy stranger
doffed his hat, mocking her. Without moving, his two friends smirked.
    “Did you spend all
that purse money yet?” the first man asked. “Or are you gonna save it for a
rainy day?”
    Cassie stood stock
still, poised on the balls of her feet with arms hanging loosely at her sides. If
necessary, she expected she could out run these jerks back to the lighted
carnival area. But she really wanted to get back to her motel.
    “Bet she’s like all
women. She’ll spend that money on frilly things,” said a burly man, pushing
himself away from the truck. A cigarette dangled from his upper lip as he
spoke. “Silk panties, soft bras, peek-a-boo nighties. Bet you’d look damn good
in ‘em, ma’am. All dolled up and ready to play.”
    “Maybe we can convince
her to model for us,” the smaller third man piped. He lurched unsteadily
forward. The men formed a semi-circle between her and her truck.
    “Cat got your
tongue lady?” the tall blond man asked. “I know where I’d like your tongue.”
    He lunged for her. Cassie
kicked her booted foot firmly into the man’s crotch. He wailed a piercing
sound, doubling over on the ground. His friends froze for a moment, and then
began edging toward her with more determination. She was about to turn and
sprint toward what she hoped would be safety when she heard a familiar low
voice slice through the dark shadows. Her heart skipped a beat in recognition.
    “That’s about
enough, boys. You congratulated the lady. Now it’s time to move on.” Clint
Travers stepped into the diffused light. His firmly fixed stare and straining
muscles served due warning.
    “Aw, shit,” the
stocky man complained, “we was just gonna have some fun. Wasn’t gonna hurt her
    “Yeah,” his partner
whined, “she didn’t need an Indian raid to save her.”
    “You may be right
about that.” Clint scowled darkly at the man struggling to pull himself up off
the ground. “But I’m here now. You have two of us to deal with. What’s it gonna
    Cassie winced, but
was pleased that Travers had included her when counting the odds.
    Letting out a deep
breath, the stocky man ground his cigarette into the dirt and grumbled, “Not a
damn thing. Come on, boys. Think there’s a beer waiting for each of us down at
Randy’s. The chief can have his cowgirl, for all I care.”
    The injured man
wrapped an arm around each of his companions and limped away.
    When they were out
of earshot, Clint whirled on Cassie. “What the hell are you doing out here by
    “Son of a bitch,”
she spat out in return. “And a good howdy-do to you, too. I’m a big girl. I’m
used to being on my own—even in the city. Didn’t you see that bastard dragging
his ass out of here?”
    Clint grimaced. “Every
place has its danger and its scum. You’ve encountered some home-grown kind here
    She nodded. Unable
to fuel her anger at the man who had helped her out of a tight fix, she
mumbled, “Thanks. So what were you doing here?”
    “Thought I’d see
what was happening.” He offered no further explanation, but his

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