Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set

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Book: Read Saved by Sweet Alien Box Set for Free Online
Authors: Selena Bedford, Mia Perry
her before fighting the enemy?  I knew our guys were in danger.  But I’d given
them great training.  I was one hundred percent sure that they could stand
against the enemy for a couple minutes while I was busy fucking the hot chick.
    A couple of minutes.  Yes,
that was all I needed to fuck that lonely chief wife and leave my seed deep in
her body.  Then she might have been carrying my child instead. 
    That would be fantastic.
    Unfortunately, I made a
    My opportunity was gone,
    Now the situation is worse. 
I will have to deal with this old jerk carefully because he may demand the
pretty Earth lady under my coat to be his newest wife.
    She’s prettier than all his
wives.  There is no way he won’t want her in his bed tonight.
    I take a deep breath and then
turn around.  “Yes, Zapo?” My smile is huge.
    “What’re you doing?” he looks
at the bulge under my coat.  It’s so dark that he can’t see much.  But the
sheer size of the bulge must have interested him.
    “Going home,” I force a huge
    “I just finished the patrol
in the valley, sire, and now I’m going home.  I need some hot soup.  It’s so
damn cold, isn’t it?”
    “What are you carrying?”
    Fuck!   There is no way
to hide now. 
    “A girl.”
    “A girl , oh…” he steps
over, “show me.”
    “It’s too fucking cold
outside.  Let’s go to my tent.”
    Zapo thinks for a moment and
then nods slightly, “okay.”
    We come in. 
    I put the girl on the
floor.   She blinks her eyes a few times and looks around.  Then she smiles at
    “Sit down, Leila,” I show her
a wooden chair.
    “Thank you,” she gives me a
tiny smile and then sits on the chair.  Her body is so tiny that I have to lift
her up to help her get onto the chair.
    We all sit down.
    The chief looks at her carefully. 
His wrinkles shift to make a smile.
    Finally, he leans back,
greatly satisfied.  “Very good,” he is kind enough to speak English this time. 
But I’m not sure if Leila really understands his broken English.
    Obviously Leila understands. 
She murmurs, “What do you mean?”
    “Um, please allow me to introduce
myself.  I am Zapofillo Pallasaty, the chief of the greatest tribe Affendorian. 
You can call me Zapo.  What’s your name?”
    She looks at the chief for a
few moments and then says, “Leila.” 
    “Why are you looking at me
like that, Leila?  You like me already?  Every woman I meet likes me.”
    “Oh no,” she shakes her head. 
He looks nothing like the aliens on the space ship.
    Her lips move a few times
more.  I can tell that she is saying you’re not Affendorian, you can’t be.
    What the heck is going on? 
This is the Affendorian tribe.  We’re all Affendorians.
    Zapo is totally confused.  “You
don’t like me?  Why? I am the chief of the greatest tribe on this planet.  I
have the sheer power and unbelievable wealth to give you a happy life.  And I
was a warrior myself when I was young.”
    Leila swallows hard.  After a
long while, she puts up a tiny smile, “I highly respect you, chief.  But I want
him.”  She looks at me.
    “Why?” Zapo stares at her.
    “Because he saved my life.”
    “But it was me who sent him
on the patrol.  It’s our tribe’s rule that any captives from the patrol are the
property of the tribe.  It’s me, the chief, who decides who’s going to get the
captive.  You will have to understand, young lady.”

Chapter Three
    What the hell, this chief is
a total ass.  He thinks he’s so big.   There is no way I will become his
woman.  I don’t fucking care about his power and wealth.  Auzo is the real
hero.  He saved my life.  He is a great warrior.  I want him.
    At this moment, I can’t
imagine if I would live with him for the rest of my life. We are strangers to
each other, after all.  But I am definitely falling for him, and I want to understand
him more.
    I think for a short

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