turn, she reeled off some directions.
“I have an idea. We left your car at the office. Why don’t we go pick it up and you follow me home? It will be easier for you to leave tomorrow from your hotel. You can get right on the Beltway to your session.”
Wade’s mind was muddled for the moment. All he could remember was they were kissing in front of the restaurant. He tried to get his mind to focus on Megan’s last comment. All that came out of his mouth was a mumbled, “That sounds great.”
Wade wasn’t exactly sure what Megan said. The new arrangements were too complicated for his current state of mellow euphoria. Wade held on from the last left turn with his mind trying to replay Megan’s instructions. He remembered she said they were going back to the office to pick up his car. Was he just hoping or did he hear her say that they were going back to her place?
Wade wasn’t sure what she said but right now was more concerned about whether he could keep up with her driving. His questions kept coming. Will I be leaving for work from my hotel or her place? Did she mean we would be spending the night together? What class am I supposed to be attending at 7:30 am the next morning? He kept trying to keep himself steady and focused, but it wasn’t working. He just told himself, Keep your seatbelt tight and enjoy the ride; everything is going to be okay.
All Wade remembered were blurry streetlights and signs that he couldn’t read because of Megan’s speed. She drove back streets like they were on a racing circuit she knew from memory. They arrived at her office building, and she handed him her passkey.
“Now, follow me to my place.”
Megan took off in a flash and Wade had his hands full just trying to follow. The concentration needed to follow Megan helped Wade get his mind back together. Not wanting to jump to conclusions and still confused about his expectations Wade told himself the best course of action was, This is our first date. Let the evening unfold naturally. Keep my mouth shut and just follow instructions .
Somehow through twists and turns Wade made it back to Megan’s condo complex. The wind in his face and high-speed turns shook Wade out of his mellow state. He was more focused and balanced. Megan was much the same.
Megan was always honest with Wade and not shy about expressing her feelings. She had that dreamy look back in her eyes again as they approached her door. It was as though she was about to bear her soul to him while looking directly into his.
They crossed the threshold arm in arm.
“Make yourself comfortable. Would you like a glass of wine?”
“That sounds nice.”
Wade’s eye caught the sofa that seemed perfect for two. He headed for one side. Megan came out with two glasses of wine with napkins. Wade reached for the glass and wrapped his napkin around the base and stem of the wine glass. Megan gave him a strange look but didn’t say anything. She thought it was weird but couldn’t care less about how he held his glass.
Megan took a sip of wine and followed with a warm, gentle kiss. Wade responded with a cuddling embrace. She broke the silence in a low, quiet voice, “Something’s happening here I wasn’t ready for.”
“I’m feeling the same thing and part of me is uncomfortable. I don’t know why.”
“What do you mean?”
Wade thought before responding. He wasn’t sure he could explain what he just said, “I don’t know what our future holds. I want my future now to include you, and I don’t know if we can control that.”
“Of course, we can control it. It just means we will have to make choices.”
“That may be true, but I feel we may be caught up in a situation that is outside of our control, at least for the foreseeable future.”
Megan changed the direction of the conversation, “When did you discover you felt different about me?”
Wade didn’t hesitate to respond, “I’ve known I felt different about you several years ago. I just wouldn’t