don’t know what you mean about ‘this thing.’ I spent a large part of my childhood living in the swamp and feel at home there. I think it’s a beautiful place, and understand the dangers and creatures there just like you understand D.C. and the creatures here. It’s not very different.”
The owner, Francis Cappito was making rounds greeting his guests. He wandered over from the next table, “Good evening and welcome to Cappito’s.”
He turned to Wade and asked, “You look familiar. Have you been in before?”
“No. This is my first time here.”
“Welcome, it’s good to have you both this evening. Have you made any selections for your dinner this evening?”
Megan replied, “We haven’t looked at the menu yet. Perhaps you can give us some suggestions?”
“I’d be happy to. The veal Milanese and veal piccata are the chef’s specials this evening. The Milanese comes with a berry and red wine reduction sauce, and the piccata comes with a light white wine and butter sauce. Both dishes are very nice. Each comes with fresh vegetables and your choice of pasta or risotto. I would also recommend a dry white wine with either dish.
For an appetizer we have a special Gulf shrimp cocktail with a special southern rémoulade sauce. My relatives are in the shrimping business down south and select the finest shrimp when they come in. They ship them fresh to me overnight.”
Megan glanced at Wade to see him break into a smile.
“Your waiter will be over shortly. Please let me know if you need anything else. Nice meeting you. Please let me know if you have any questions.”
They shook hands and Mr. Cappito moved to the next table as Megan responded, “That veal piccata sounds wonderful to me.”
Wade replied, “I’m going to have the veal Milanese and that shrimp remoulade cocktail.”
Megan looked at Wade with a smile, “I thought you might be all over that shrimp cocktail.”
Infused with laughter the conversation became lighter as the meal went on. Megan was getting a sense of Wade up close, and Wade’s impression of Megan was changing from being in awe of her beauty and smarts as a senior agency officer to warm and friendly. Aided by the exquisite meal, a joyous time was had as the two discovered each other’s humor. They talked about everything from movies to sports and music.
Wade told Megan a few Cajun jokes. She loved his sophisticated, backwater country drawl that he turned on and off at will to get the desired effect. After laughing at the story about two Cajuns walking into a bar she told Wade, “I have to be careful when you tell me those stories.”
“Why is that?”
“They lull me into a Southern state of mind.”
“That’s not all bad.”
“It could be if you see yourself in someone’s arms lying next to a bayou under a willow tree.”
“Yeah, that could be dangerous; some of those bayous have gators and snakes.”
“I didn’t mean that kind of worry.”
They couldn’t take their eyes off each other. When the meal was over the waiter asked if they wanted dessert. Both were too full for desert. They both looked at each other in a brief awkward silence. Wade wondered what he should say next. Megan broke the silence. Wade showed a sign of relief.
“How would you like to go for a walk? It’s safe around here – no alligators.”
Wade asked their waiter for the check. Megan interrupted, “Give me the check. This is compliments of the company. You can thank Shaw tomorrow when you see him.”
“I wasn’t expecting that. That’s very nice of you and the company.”
They left the restaurant. Megan locked her arm in his, gently pushing for a hard left turn to start their stroll. The cool night air was refreshing. Other couples were locked in tandem in front and behind them.
Several shops were still open on the quiet street and beckoned a window-shopping crowd. Megan and Wade made jokes about window displays, laughing as they stopped in front of different
George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois