Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
them to protect Government facilities, last week. A ship came in last night filled with them. There is at least a regiment of them on board.” The Marine looked disgusted with the troops.
    “Athena…” She thanked the marines and walked toward the cafeteria.
    “What is it Wilson?” He always picked terrible times to talk to her
    “There is a protest near the Government center.”
    “Is it the one that David told us about? I hope he is OK.” She answered him.
    “Your brother’s small protest has gotten a bit larger. Right now there is about ten thousand of them marching toward the government offices.”
    Athena stopped walking. “Did you say ten thousand?”
    “Yes, the government is freaking out.” He said. At that moment a steady tone like beeping began. A large number of those ESS troops began marching toward the flight bays.
    All around the station workers and navy personnel stopped and watched as they marched by.
    Athena turned away from the spectacle. “Wilson, contact David. IF possible sent him a message, tell him to be careful.”
    I walked to the cafeteria and got in line. After receiving my food I sat and watched out the view port at the planet. A group of rapidly descending dropships interrupted my view. I Said a silent prayer to the gods of my ancestors for Davids benefit.
    The enormous protest was receiving network attention. All the vid channels were lit up and reporting on the demonstration. Men, women, and children were marching down the causeway toward the city center. This protest was massive. Radio and vid talk shows had been pumping up their listeners for weeks about the march. The new laws affected every farmer on the planet the loss of income and jobs was on everyones mind. Organizers had taken advantage of this and had bused in thousands of supporters and their families. People began streaming in from connecting streets and highways. All on foot or in chair lifts. Young, old and disabled. Everyone was coming. This was the peoples chance to tell the Sector government and the Empire what they thought of the new laws. The organizers kept it by using retired veterans as monitors to watch for troublemakers. So far everything was going to plan.
    The marchers were fired up. Their government should not do this to them. They had brought their families to show that this was not just about them but their families too. Several large children groups Future Farmers were present, many were holding homemade signs and shouting out slogans. The mass of people were crying out against farm levies, higher taxes, and wanting better living conditions. Group leaders would stop and give a speech to a roar from the crowd. The march would then continue. More and more people filled the streets. The camera’s zoomed out. This had to be the largest protest our planet had ever seen. A continuous mass of people filling the causeway from one end to the other, over 4 miles of people. Arriving at the edge of the city’s center the leader of the march assembled and gave several speeches. They exhorted the crowd to remain non-violent but to speak their minds. This planet had a tradition a people speaking their minds. That was how it had always been. Over the singing and chanting of slogans a roaring was heard by the crowds. Overhead a dozen black as night troopships were descending. The ships were of a type never seen before here on Hong Kong. Heavily armored with gun ports and turrets the ships were taking up positions around the circle of government buildings.
    The newsies panned their camera’s around when the roaring of the troopships was heard. The black and menacing ships, more heavily armed than our navy ships, landed in front of the Government buildings. The crowd had grown silent at this display of force. Hatches opened on the ships and hundreds of Black clad troops begun fanning out surrounding the buildings. The ships closed their hatches and took off. They continued to hover over the perimeter

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