Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
    Not expecting such a warm greeting the new Chief was at a loss for words, “thank you Lieutenant Lee.”
    I turned back to the Captain, “sir, if I may be excused? I need to get my projects ready for my meeting with the Head of Research tomorrow.”
    “Of course Lieutenant. Dismissed.”
    The whole way to my quarters I whispered at Wilson. Most of the crew was used to seeing me talking to myself. Not knowing about my ‘guest’ they all thought I was a little strange.
    “Wilson did you break into those files about our new commander?”
    “Yes Athena, it was as we thought. He is a spy for our Sector Governor Norton.”
    “Send a not to Captain Gorshin this is something he needs to know about. He can be mad at me later for telling you to do it.”
    My meeting with Professor Kip Wilson was easier than I thought it would be. He droned on about scheduling and mock-ups. Pointing me in the direction of his assistants the man barely spoke to me, more like he spoke at me. His assistants were Amy Cassidy and Henry Desmond, they had one lab assistant a young woman by the name of Hildegard. Amy was the hydroponics expert while Henry and Hildegard were my droid techs. All three of them were very excited to be working with me.
    We flipped a coin and the droid techs got me first. So much for scheduling.
    “Lieutenant Lee, we were very interested in your ‘Droid’ design. Using the micro power units was inspired. What we are most interested is the programing and integration circuitry.”
    After I had explained about Wilson they all made a “oh” sound and nodded their heads. They had all read my file but had not had the information about the AI explained to them. When they realized that Wilson was going to supply the dumbed down AI’s and show how to make more they were ecstatic. Their basic questions answered they passed me off to Ms. Cassidy.
    Ms Cassidy or Amy as she told me to call her was an expert in the hydroponic field. While she liked my spiral idea of the new hydroponics pods she didn’t think it was practical. I showed her the records of the model that we had done. My new design coupled with new bulkhead improvements made it more survivable. That was one of the biggest problems with hydroponics, hull breaches. Amy told me we would build a few mock ups and run some experiments. I left her going over plans and making notes on build schedules.

    Colonel Alexander Lee was in his office, monthly troop evaluations were due and his subordinates were dragging their feet getting them done. Military service was mandatory in the colony. All 17 to 18 year olds on the planet had to serve in the military at least one year. Lots of paperwork to keep track of all that. It didn’t help his mood at all. His family was on his mind constantly these days. His link chimed that a call was coming in for him from the Planetary Governor. “Hello Governor Stoner. What can the militia do for you on this lovely Friday afternoon.”
    “Alex.” The Governor frantic. “There is a protest at Government center!”
    “Yes sir we were informed. The Farmers Union, supposed to be a few hundred protesters.”
    “Alex, It isn’t. There is about ten thousand protesters out there!”
    “What! Governor I can mobilize and be there…”
    “You don’t understand. Sector Governor Norton has called out the ESS and the Marines! Alex he’s called in those ESS thugs!”
    “Governor calm down.” The governor was still freaking out. “Roy! Roy, calm Down. The ESS only has a couple of agents here I can call the Colonel DeMunn over at marine hq and talk to him.” Using the Governor’s first name seemed to help. The governor’s breathing slowed down.
    “Damn it Alex, Norton brought in a ship load of the Jackboots last night. He’s got a whole regiment of them! He will use them too. The Senate voted to

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