Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
reinforce all Planetary governments due to the protesters. It will be a massacre! Our people, our people don’t believe that it could happen to them! We have to do something.” The Governor was almost in tears.
    “Roy, let me get our people out there. I don’t know what we can do but maybe we can stop a massacre. Let me get back to you.!” The Colonel hit a button on his desk. Sirens and alarms began to sound across the milita base. The sound of running feet could be heard as Colonel Lee was putting on his fatigues. A frantic knocking and his door burst open.
    “Colonel, Sir, are you OK?” It was his son, Major Hannibal Lee.
    “Han, mobilize as many of our troops as you can find. We need to get everyone t Government Center as fast as we can.”
    “Sir, whats going on?”
    The Major did a fast 180 degree turn and ran out of the room. With a resigned look on his face the Colonel walked out of the room. His personal secretary, Dawn was standing by her desk with her mouth open in shock.
    “Dawn, get on the phones. I need the head of Emergency services, disaster relief, and the Army Auxilaries command as soon as possible. Call over to the air wing and get my daughter to start arming up the fighters. Any questions refer her to me.” His secretary was still just standing there. “Damn it! Dawn, not you too! Move it please, we have an Emergency here!” She scrambled for her desk.
    A militia Lieutenant ran into the room. “Sir, Major Lee reports that all combat troops ready sir.” Colonel Lee thought to himself, when this mess is over we need to have some communication classes.
    “Tell the lieutenant I want everyone. Every troop, cook, mechanic, guard, and dishwasher that can hold a weapon. I SAID EVERYONE! Get out there. Get those troops moving now,GO!”
    “Colonel, Emergency services is on the phone for you.” The Colonel turned to his secretary thinking it was going to be a long afternoon.
    Grabbing his desk phone the Colonel started talking right away. “Fuji? Listen you need to get as many of your ambulances and emergency equipment on its way to City center right now.” The man on the phone started to argue. “No Dammit! Right Frakking now! I mean it! This is on the authority of Governor Stoner. That idiot Norton has sent ESS troops to deal with the farm protest. Those thugs will start killing people.” Still the man argued. “ I will have your job you idiot! Do it and do it now!” There was a knock at his door and it burst open.
    “Dad, Sir, what is happening?” The tall blond woman looked so much like her mother, thought the Colonel.
    “Minerva, good. I need you to round up your pilots and get those birds of your armed, fueled and ready to go ASAP!”
    Already moving she turned and looked at him. “Can I know the reason, Sir?”
    Such a good officer. “ESS troops are inbound to the farm protest and we need to stop a massacre.”
    She paused at the doorway. “Sir, Dad, I think David is a part of that movement. He called me the other day and said something about protesting the higher taxes and the farm levy. I will text him from my office and warn him.”
    Taking a deep breath Alex hoped they could stop this thing before lives were lost.
    Athena had been meeting with the FLEAS all morning. When the group broke for lunch she decided to take hers at the main cafeteria. It had a really nice view of the planet in its dining area. Walking through the station she noticed a lot of combat troops in armor around. Seeing a small group of Marines watching them too she walked over and introduced herself.
    “Excuse me Sergeant? I’m Lieutenant Lee from the James Cook. Do you know anything about these troops? They don’t look like you Marines.”
    “No Ma’am. They are not marines. Those are the new ESS Enforcement troops. The Senate voted to use

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