    Wanda blushed. "Okay Carl." She shook her head. "Man, is that going to take some getting used to."
    When Carl asked Wanda to stay on the Bridge, John turned back to Malthis. "Chloe is our resident computer expert, I'd like to take her with me."
    Malthis bowed. "In our quest for knowledge, one of the things we discovered was teleportation. However, it can only be used at relatively short range when there is only one transfer point involved. We will also need to modify your existing controller slightly in order for you to perform your duties. This modification will include a new type of meta-armor. Think of this as an upgraded version of the existing option you already have. With this, there is no need for any other armor.
    "Included in the modification will be a small data storage device into this we will give you the knowledge needed for you to disable the controlling device, and perhaps assist Selnia in regaining control of her facility. We have told her you are coming, and she is expecting you."
    Before him on the bridge, two rifle - looking weapons and two holstered side arms appeared. "Although we do not anticipate the need for weapons, having but not using is preferable to needing and not having. These operate as weapons you are used to but will be far more destructive. If you need to use them, please be careful.
    "The modifications will take place here, inside the habitat. We will teleport you here, perform the modifications, then using site to site personnel transit points, send you to a safe place inside Selnia. Is this acceptable, and are you ready?" Malthis asked.
    Both John and Chloe picked up the weapons and put the side-arm holsters on. Both checked their weapons to make sure they were either powered down or in a 'safe' mode. Chloe nodded to John. John turned to Tami.
    "Tami, when we get back, please remind me to make sure there is always someone available to monitor missions of this type, and provide tactical support if needed. For now, you and Wanda will have to handle it if you would."
    "You got it Boss. Go end the war, we'll make sure breakfast is ready for you when you get back," Tami replied.
    "I'll go grab a couple of ration bars for us," Chloe said grinning.
    "Here, take these," Wanda said and pulled four bars out of her thigh pocket. "I tend to forget to eat sometimes because I get too focused, so I have taken to carrying extras."
    "Thanks!" Chloe said and tossed two of them to John. "Ready when you are, Sweetheart."
    John nodded and turned to Malthis. "Okay, let's get this done."
    Malthis bowed, and both John and Chloe disappeared in a flash of light. "We will make sure their data feeds are sent to you. We do our best to keep them safe," He told the two remaining women as he began to fade out.
    "Thank you Malthis!" Tami replied before he could disappear completely.
    "Well, I guess we'll find out pretty quickly if they're duplicitous or not," Wanda sighed.
    "Yeah, and if they are we'll have lost the two most powerful and respected Guardians we have," Tami replied.
    "Data feeds incoming, you take John, and I'll take Chloe," Wanda said.
    "Deal," Tami replied and got to work.

Chapter 51
    C arl and Alice arrived at the mess hall before all the rest had assembled. Although the Flyer usually carried more troops than it currently had, the mess was still crowded because the troops were all still wearing their armor.
    "Okay, I see we're all here. Folks, John asked me to talk to all of you about something very important. For this meeting, none of us hold any rank; we are all equal for this. We have arrived at a Promethean facility deep in the Gamma Quadrant." Alice had to hold up her hand to stop the exclamations of shock and panic.
    "We were brought here by the Prometheans so they could ask us to do something for them. The 'something' is pretty major. So major that only as individuals can we make the decision to do it. Before we give you the whole story, we need to tell you that

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