think you will need because the control device the grays implanted would detect the information exchange. That would alert the Tammerain troops as well as the Greys that you are there to disconnect the control device. There is little doubt what would happen in such an event," Malthis explained.
    "Won't it detect our arrival then?" Chloe asked.
    "Yes it will, but there is nothing it can do about it as Selnia still has control of that area. When queried, Selnia will report a transit system test initiated from our control unit. If you will accompany me to the surface, you may test fire your weapons so you understand their destructive potential. We will to the embarkation center from there," Malthis explained.
    "I was going to ask if there was a place we could do that. If I'm carrying a weapon, I want to know how much damage it can do in case I have to use it," John replied. 
    "That is good knowledge to have. What you are carrying could be considered projectile weapons in that they fire a compressed 'pellet' of high-energy plasma. You have the option to adjust the amount of energy the plasma contains..." Malthis explained the controls and how to use the weapons John and Chloe now carried.
    Malthis lead them to a wide-open plain on the inside surface of the great sphere. John was surprised to feel that it was just like being on a planet, except the horizon curled up slightly before disappearing in the haze of distance.
    "As you can see in the distance, there are several blocks. The blocks are composed of different materials but all of them are solid. The white is your concrete; the gray is plas-crete. The remaining three types are dull black - steel, black with red marking is battle-steel, and the last is the same alloy we use as outer armor on all of our facilities and vessels. We ask that you do not go above a setting of five on the weapons as that may cause significant damage to the structure of this area," Malthis explained.
    John nodded his understanding and activated the rifle, setting it to 'one' on the power meter. He took aim on the concrete and fired. The four-foot by four-foot block of solid concrete exploded violently into small fragments.
    "Whoa!" Chloe said softly.
    John nodded to her, and took aim at the plas-crete and got much the same result.
    "You're on setting one, right?" Chloe asked.
    "Yeah, I didn't want to blow open the world in my first shot," John replied.
    "Even on level 'ten' the weapons you carry would not puncture the sphere in one shot, however, if you are in space, that level could be used against vessels at distance. Your armor would function as a targeting computer for that use," Malthis explained.
    "An infantry weapon that can be used as ship to ship weaponry? That may be a little too powerful," Chloe said.
    "Our goal was to create a tool that would be of use to you in as wide a variety of situations as possible. We were unsure of how to go about such, and did not think to limit the power of the weapon. Is this something we should consider implementing if we make more of these in the future?" Malthis asked.
    "Possibly, I'd like to get a better idea of what our mission will actually be once we get going. However, I would like to make sure that these cannot fall into the wrong hands, so if you could include a unique user code into them so only its authorized user may activate and fire it, that would be good be good for now," John said.
    "That is easily accomplished. Would you like the weapons you are currently carrying to be replaced?" Malthis asked.
    "I think that would be a good idea, Malthis. These are very dangerous," Chloe suggested, and John agreed.
    "It will be done. We will not make any more of this type of weapon until you make your decision about the power levels, John," Malthis said.
    "Thank you Malthis." John said and fired at the metal blocks. On level one the steel block ended up with a round hole the size of a bowling ball most of the way through it. The Battle-steel was dented inward

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