each and every one of us have been released from our oaths to the Kingdom for this purpose. If you chose not to accept the mission that the Prometheans are asking of us, you will still be bound by the Kingdom oath. Do you all understand?" Alice asked.
    "Will the Prometheans return us to our own quadrant if we chose not to do this?" one of the soldiers asked.
    "Yes, they will. They let John and the rest of us speak to His Majesty about it, and that's how we know about the oaths. There are no conditions here, you are not being pressured, or coerced in any way. If, once you've heard the whole story, you decide this just isn't for you we'll make sure you are returned home safely," Carl replied.
    "Why isn't John telling us this?" someone else asked.
    "John and Chloe are doing a favor for our hosts at the moment," Alice replied, "which is the primary reason he asked us to talk to you guys. He also didn't want you to be influenced either way by his own decision, which he has directed me not to tell you, until after you have made your own. This is important, and has to be something you either believe in or don't. This isn't a change in duties so much as it is a change in your ethos, your beliefs. In a moment, you will be meeting a Promethean named Georgia. She will present the request to you.
    "Before I call her, there are a couple things you need to know about. All the Prometheans here are in a form of stasis, and the being you will meet is a computer analogue of her personality. Simply put, in order to stay alive long enough to make this offer, they copied their personalities into a computer and placed their bodies into stasis. The Promethean are a dying race."
    "Are they the ones responsible for the war with the Tammerain?" Greg, the Captain asked.
    "No Greg, they're not. The explanation for that is part of their story, so I'll let Georgia fill in the blanks for you," Alice called for Georgia to join them, and the tall hologram took from in the mess.
    "Good morning, everyone, I am Georgia. I will do my best to tell you our history, and of the task we have asked of you. I will endeavor to answer any questions you may have. Before I begin, are there any questions?" the being asked, speaking slowly in the Promethean way.

Chapter 52
    O ne minute they were on the bridge of the Flyer and the next they were in a white room with subtle pinks and blue colors. Rising from the floor were two couches.
    "Welcome to our home, Guardians." Malthis said. "If you will each lie down, the procedure will only take a moment. Currently, your Doctor Marebella St. Andres is not in range of a transporter, or we would bring her here to monitor and observe."
    "I'm please to tell you that she has agreed to become our mate, Malthis. She and I have taken John's last name," Chloe replied.
    "That is indeed most pleasing news. I believe congratulations are in order," Malthis replied, and he bowed his head. Although it was hard to detect, considering his facial structure, it looked like he was smiling. "As I outlined before, the procedure itself is quick; however, you might feel a few moments of discomfort followed by a brief period of disorientation while your controller reinitializes. Please remain still until the changes are fully integrated."
    John and Chloe nodded acceptance as they lay down on the couches provided for them. It did only take a few seconds, but it did hurt. Strangely the pain eased and disappeared before the controller finished rebooting. In less than five minutes, both of them were back on their feet and ready to go.
    "The information you will need to disable the Grey’s control device will be available in your enhancement controller’s memory. Simply ask for it, and it will be displayed for you as a visual overlay.
    “Once the control device has been deactivated, future data requests can be handled by your enhancements in much the same manner as you are currently familiar with. We are preloading the information we

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