her knees were weak before those
dark-green eyes reached them.
Violet. His button-down shirt was violet. Claire had the
sneaking suspicion the color had come into being just so Diego could wear it
one day, it suited him so perfectly.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she said and was pleased
to hear she sounded much more relaxed than she felt.
He never took his eyes off her as he stepped inside, handed
her the Lindt truffles and put his free hand on her waist. Heat exploded within
her from her core out at both his touch and the way his scent washed through
her senses.
A small smile appeared and then vanished a second before his
mouth descended on hers, his lips immediately parting so he could touch his
tongue to her bottom lip, causing her to open for him. She moaned as his tongue
slid deeply into her mouth, tangled with hers in a sensual dance, retreated and
returned in a slow undulating movement that erased all doubt about what Diego
Rodriguez might be like in bed.
The bag of truffles crinkled when she swayed toward him,
trapping it between their bodies. His arm slid around her waist and then moved
lower, wrapped around the upper part of her hips to pull her against his hard
body. And when he dragged her lip through his teeth very gently as he pulled
back, she had the sneaking suspicion they were never going to leave her house.
And that would be fine with her.
“I’ve been wanting to do that again for days, Claire,” he
confessed, his already sexy voice rough with lust.
Barely able to peel her eyelids open, let alone speak, she
nodded and met his gaze.
“How do you feel about flying?” he asked, his eyes scanning
her face before lowering to her breasts, which were pushed just a little higher
out of the neckline of her dress because she’d plastered herself to his chest.
Claire blinked as she tried to decipher what he’d asked.
“Excuse me?”
She already felt kind of buzzy and lightheaded. Exactly what
did he plan to do to her that was going to make her feel as if she was flying?
“Airplanes. Jets,” he clarified with an amused twitch of his
incredible lips, his eyes climbing back up to hers in no particular hurry. “Are
you afraid of them?”
“No.” Her head was starting to clear a little.
“It’s going to be kind of hard to give you the night of your
life on a Tuesday in Toledo. The place seriously just shuts right down after
eight o’clock. How do you feel about Chicago?”
She blinked at him. “I love Chicago.” She went there several
times a year to catch concert tours, attend bachelorette parties, spend whole
days in the museums, shop.
The arm around her hips tightened, his fingers digging into
her flesh just a little, sending a tingle through her. “So let’s go to
She simply looked at him a moment, incredulous. “How am I
supposed to say no?”
His eyebrows went up slightly. “In a perfect world you would
say yes.”
She laughed and felt some of her nervousness escape.
“How about some motivation?” He took the chocolates out of
her hand and put them on the small table where she kept her purse and keys,
then wrapped both arms around her and hauled her incredibly close.
Claire wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear
life as he drew deep on her mouth in long, head-spinning pulls, his amazing
tongue hinting at a talent she’d never experienced before in another man. Not
in her husband, and not in any of the men she’d kissed the handful of times
she’d tried dating. Diego’s kiss sent vibrant pulses of electricity through her
body to her clit, making her feel wet and needy.
God, it had been too long, and she was not ready for a man
like him, she thought as doubt wormed its way into her confidence. At the same
time she knew that if she let fear of the unknown overpower that small sense of
adventure Lin had talked her into, she would be missing out on the chance of a
She was positively drunk with desire for the
Elle Christensen, K Webster