Diego, for his lean, strong body and his unbelievable mouth—when he finally
released her.
“Okay,” she told him breathlessly. “Let’s go.”
* * * * *
He didn’t ask her to pack a bag, just had her grab her
purse, keys and wrap and opened the door for her, leaving her scratching her
head in confusion. Yes, part of her was impressed he wasn’t taking it for
granted that they would spend the night together, but why go through all the trouble
of taking her two hundred and fifty miles away if they weren’t going to stay
long enough to need at least a change of clothes?
When they arrived he asked the cab driver at the airport to
take them directly to the restaurant, where he’d apparently made a reservation
under the assumption she would agree to fly away with him. The huge amount
confidence that showed made her smile to herself, and she had to wonder if
anyone ever told the man no.
Claire was surprised to find she was starving in spite of the
way Diego had turned her stomach into a riot of nervous flutters, kissing her
silly then whisking her away like he had. As soon as their server put the
appetizer in front of them she remembered it had been many long hours since
she’d eaten. Her whole day had been wrapped up first in working on her bathroom
to take her mind off their date and then getting ready, which she’d put much
more time into than she usually did.
After dinner he took her to a piano bar, which was a lot
more fun than she would have imagined. Two baby grands sat facing each other in
the middle of the large room, the tables all placed around them.
She and Diego had just gotten lucky and found an open table
for two when the pianist invited someone to join him on stage. The moment the
other player sat down and turned on his microphone, the show became a
competition of sorts. They alternated between telling jokes through fast-paced
banter that got the crowd roaring with laughter and playing familiar songs that
in turn had almost everyone singing along.
Afterward he took her to a dive of a blues club that was
only about halfway full of patrons. The band was an eclectic mix of both very
old and young that was shocking at first glance but quickly forgotten as soon
as they started to play.
She was embarrassed at first when Diego got out of his seat
and asked her to dance during a particularly soulful slow song, but the moment
he pulled her into his arms and started to move, she forgot all about the fact
they were the only people on the floor.
She got caught up in the loose, easy sway of his body as he
moved them around the tiny dance floor in front of the band. The way his hands
held her so carefully when she could so clearly feel the power in his hard,
muscular body caused her heart to race and mouth to go dry with anticipation.
He pulled her closer and her world narrowed to just his
body, to the heat coming off him, the way he smelled and his cheek pressed to
hers. She loosened the grip she had on him and let her hands wander a little,
over the smooth back of his neck, the taut muscles of his shoulders, down his
arms to his hard biceps.
Her nails dug into his arms just a little when he brushed
his lips over her earlobe, and then her head tilted to one side as he explored
the sensitive space behind her ear with the end of his nose, his mouth and, have
mercy , the tip of his tongue. Her arms drifted back up to wrap around his
neck for support as he began a slow journey down the side of her neck in an
exploration that made her eyes drift shut as if on their own.
He pulled her fully against him as he grazed his teeth over
the ultra-sensitive spot where her neck curved into her shoulder, really
showing her the power in his arms as they banded around her and held her close,
tight. She shivered as she felt him getting hard against her belly, never
missing a step as they continued to sway in time to the music, and realized
with no small amount of wonder that he wanted her.
Diego Rodriguez, the