Merck held out to him.
The kid looked at the money, grinning. “Thanks for the tip, Mr. Rushton!”
“Spend it wisely,” Merck advised, knowing it was probably going to be spent on a video game or a new snowboard. The teens in the area were really into strapping both feet to a board and hurtling themselves down rough slopes.
By the time they were driving up the long lane to his house, Merck’s cock was about as hard as it ever had been. He’d spent a fair amount of time fantasizing about Piper Barrows. Jerking off in the shower had become a regular ritual. He hadn’t been with a man or woman in months, which were quickly adding up to a year. There just hadn’t been anyone to interest him and hooking up just for the sake of getting his rocks off had lost its luster.
Parking his truck in front of the garage he grabbed the bags of food and beer and got out to wait for Jace to park beside him. They walked single file to the front door. Merck jumped when a strong hand grabbed and squeezed his ass. The pressure made his balls pull tight and his cock jump. If the man touched him again, he was going to explode.
“I have a feeling we’re going to be doing some damage to each other,” Jace predicted in a rough voice.
Chapter Three
Jace’s heart was pounding in his chest as he followed the handsome cowboy into the kitchen of a house which had an instantly welcoming feel to it. The floor was made of heavy planks, probably cut from huge trees over a hundred years before, polished smooth by thousands of feet walking over them. One wall was covered in river rock. There was a wood cook stove against it and a modern counterpart across from it. The stainless refrigerator looked new, but if there was a dishwasher it was well hidden.
Merck took his coat and hung it up on a peg beside his just inside the back door. Then he went back to the bags on the counter, obviously to keep himself busy. It was a sign of nervousness, if Jace was reading him right.
When the hot cowboy began opening cupboards and paper bags, Jace took decisive action. Moving swiftly across the room, he pressed himself against Merck’s back. He slid his hands along the man’s leather belt, following the path until his hands met over a large oval buckle. Merck froze, waiting. Jace nuzzled his ear then nipped the lobe.
“Do you really want what’s in those bags more than you want me?”
“No. But you’re going to need your strength.”
Jace chuckled, kissing warm skin as Merck leaned back into him, his head on his shoulder. It was so damned sexy he could feel his blood heat with the fire of lust.
“Take me to this bed you have for me. We’ll take a break later to build up our energy.”
Jace liked the fact that Merck took him by the hand to lead him from the kitchen.
They walked side by side down a long hallway. The floors here were made of the same planks as in the kitchen, but there was a long runner down the center in a somewhat modern, geometric pattern in shades of cream and brown. Wall sconces at intervals provided a warm, pleasant glow. There was nothing gloomy.
“Sure is a big place,” he observed as they passed several doors. “Are there many rooms upstairs?”
“There’re five bedrooms, three baths, and a laundry room.”
They finally came close to the end of the hall when Merck stopped and opened a door. They walked in and he sucked in his breath.
“Oh, honey, this is beautiful!”
Not quite masculine, it wasn’t feminine, either. It was for a man who loved the softer things in life and didn’t mind giving them to himself. The bedspread covering the huge bed was a deep burgundy with stylized gold, Oriental dragons on it. There was a bank of coordinating pillows in various sizes, gold velvet bolsters in front. There was a pair of heavy, brown leather chairs placed near the fireplace, each with a matching ottoman.
Jace admired the antique lanterns on the mantle, as well as the clock with its hand-painted glass front. As