Project Zulu

Read Project Zulu for Free Online

Book: Read Project Zulu for Free Online
Authors: Fred Waltz
    “That doesn’t mean they were not government
employees. Are you trying to cover something up General?”
    “General, why is the razor wire at the top of the
fences pointed in the wrong direction?”
    Now Mike is just flat out pissed off. “Now hold on
just a minute. This is about the accident, not the Syscorp facility.”
    “General, why don’t you stop ducking the questions,
what about the razor wire?”
    Mike recognizes Macgregor’s voice. “What are you
talking about John? All facilities like Syscorp have a fenced perimeter.”
    “Oh no, you don’t get off that easy, general! I know
a thing or two about secure facilities, that razor wire is going the wrong way.
It is keeping someone in, not someone out. I have covered three executions,
live from state penitentiaries; the razor wire at Syscorp is just like the
razor wire at prisons.”
    “Alright, that is all I have time for, no more
questions. The soldiers will escort you all from the site.” Mike walks away
shaking his head. Leave it to the government to screw up something as
obvious as the direction of the razor wire .
    About 800 feet down the road from the accident
scene, between the berm and shoulder of the road there is a decomposing frog
carcass, teaming with maggots. One of the maggots seems to be larger, and more
aggressive than the rest.
    By the time the sun starts to set, all of the
maggots, except the large one, are dead. Before the sun completely sets, the
large maggot has started to resemble a fly. By the time the moon is climbing
across the sky, the lone maggot has completely transformed into a very large
fly, almost as big as a humming bird. The fly appears to have attitude (if that
is even possible). It is buzzing down the middle of the road, daring anyone, or
anything to get in its way.

Chapter 14
    Monday morning has arrived much too soon. Jimmy has
taken advantage of the furlough, and has made the arrangements with the
transplant team, and Julie –against her will–has been flown across the country
and checked into Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles. Jimmy knew there was a
chance he would not be allowed to leave Syscorp, so he wanted to make sure that
Jules was taken care of.
    Jimmy is exiting the final checkpoint, and notices
that Jeff now has an assistant, who is conducting a very invasive full body pat
down on everyone, heightened security. After being patted down, and his groin
thoroughly groped, Jimmy goes to his office.
    The phone is already ringing when he enters, so he
hurries to answer. He listens as Mike asks, no tells, him to get down to the
conference room immediately.
    On exiting the elevator, Jimmy meets up with two
camouflage laden men, both carrying M4 carbines with the M26 shotgun
modification. No doubt that these two were serious.
    “Sir, please stand back against the bulkhead, and
display your identification while my partner verifies your thumbprint and
retina scan.”
    Jimmy moves back to the wall, and allows himself to
be scanned. Damn lucky that I got the package out before all of the added
security measures.
    “Thank you Mr. Gaston, the General is expecting you
in the conference room.”
    As Jimmy walks away, one of the men is speaking into
a transmitter, probably announcing his arrival.
    Mike meets him at the door. “Jimmy, I am glad to see
you.  Sorry about all the beefed up security, but with the recent developments
it is a necessary evil. Jimmy, I am truly sorry about Ross, I know that the two
of you have been working together for a while. We need to talk about what
happened, come on in.”
    Jimmy lets Mike lead him into the conference room,
but stops a few steps in. Sitting in one of the seats is a middle aged African
American woman, whom Jimmy has never seen before. Mike makes the introductions.
"Jimmy, this is the newest member of the project team, for now you can just
think of her as an advisor. Dr. Okayo Alphonsine Solaine.”
    The woman rises to her feet and approaches Jimmy.
“Nice to meet

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