Project Zulu

Read Project Zulu for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Project Zulu for Free Online
Authors: Fred Waltz
you, please call me OhAy, all of my friends do. Doctor is so
formal, and only my grandmother calls me Okayo.” She has a slight accent, that
Jimmy can’t quite place, maybe Jamaican he thinks. “I can see the puzzled look
on your face Jimmy, I am Haitian.” Jimmy shakes her outstretched hand.
    “Nice to meet you OhAy, if you do not mind me
asking, what exactly are you going to be advising the team on?”
    Mike answers, “Jimmy, OhAy has a doctorate in
archeology, specializing in ancient civilizations. She is also a High Voodoo Priestess;
she is here to shed some light on Specimen Z.”
    “I am an expert on zombies”, she interrupts while
shaking Jimmy’s hand.
    Jimmy pulls his hand back, “Mike, are you kidding me
with this shit, Voodoo, zombies?”
    Mike begins to reply, but OhAy waves him off. “Jimmy
I am a Mambo Asogwe, and I am here to channel the Loa and hopefully help you
with your project. I can appreciate your misunderstanding about my culture, but
please make no mistake; Voodoo is as much a religion as Christianity or Judaism,
the practice of Voodoo dates back to the 17 th century. I represent
the white, or good, side of Voodoo. My ancestors have been communicating with,
and channeling the Loa for ages. From what I have read, and been briefed about,
your Specimen Z is a zombie that was created by a very powerful Bokur. A Bokur
is a high priest that concentrates on the dark arts, evil Voodoo if you will.
And if the scrolls found with the zombie are accurate, then you have a very
special zombie; one possessed by a Loa, an ancient African Deity”
    Jimmy tries to digest what he has just heard, unsuccessfully.
“I am sorry OhAy; this is just a lot to deal with right now. My daughter is
1500 miles across the country, going through double kidney transplant surgery,
without me. One of my closest friends was just killed in a car crash, and now I
find out that I have been studying a zombie! My buffer has hit the overflow
point, and I really do not think I can process anymore information right now.”
    “I can certainly appreciate where your head is
Jimmy. Let’s go take a look at Specimen Z. I have not seen an African zombie
since I was a little girl.”
    “Specimen Z is not here anymore, Mike had it
    Mike joined the conversation. “Actually Jimmy, we
never intended to transfer Specimen Z, we just wanted to see if that
information leaked.”
    “And did it?”
    Mike just shrugs his shoulders. “Only time will
tell. Come on let’s go, after you OhAy.”
    The three of them proceed to the examination room
holding Specimen Z; followed closely by two armed security team members.

Chapter 15
    Approaching from the opposite direction, Breaker has
Old Glory pushing along the pavement at close to one hundred miles per hour.
Breaker definitely has an attitude, and is equally daring anyone or anything to
get in his way. It has been three days since he has been able to hold court at
Valhalla. The local news reported some sort of drunken driving accident, which Breaker
knew was bullshit, had the road closed off.
    Old Glory is rumbling on, Breaker’s hair flowing
behind him like a cape. In an instance, Old Glory swerves underneath Breaker,
as he takes his right hand off the handle bars, and brings it toward his face.
He regains control of Old Glory just before laying her down. He is coughing and
    The fly was dead the minute it hit the soft pallet
of Breaker’s mouth. By the time Breaker reacted with his first cough, the fly
was already being dissolved in his stomach by hydrochloric acid.
    After one final cough, Breaker regains his
composure. Little does he know that his white blood cell count has increased by
10,000; and those white blood cells are losing a battle against some strange
mutant cells that are quickly multiplying, and speeding toward Breaker’s brain.
    Within minutes, he is walking into Valhalla,
listening to his entrance music. God of thunder (Dadu-Da) and rock and

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