Porn Star

Read Porn Star for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Porn Star for Free Online
Authors: Keith Trimm
Tags: Adult, stripper, porn star, stripper heels, stripper fantasy, stripper erotica
get a grip on them. His hands felt numb and he couldn’t tell if he
had them in his hands or not.
    “What’s wrong?” Cassidy asked.
    “I think I had a stroke or something, I can’t
feel my fingers.”
    “Can you talk me down?” Cassidy asked.
    Dennis, now shocked and a tad pissed chimed
in. “You said you could land this, why are you asking him for
    “Because I would be stupid not to ask for
help dumbass. I’m no expert.”
    Jerry rolled his eyes back in his head and
went back out like a burned out light bulb. More drool and froth
ran down his chin onto his shirt.
    “Fuck,” Cassidy said under her breath and
spoke into her headset loudly. “Hey, are you guys going to help us
here? This plane is going to stall any second and I have a pac man
trying to eat me up here.”
    Lightpole’s voice came back over the headset.
“Stop turning to the left and straighten your course, which should
fix the stall warning. And as far as the object following you, we
are trying to get visual confirmation from another plane. It will
take a few minutes to get one close enough to see anything.”
    “By then we will be gone, I need to get this
thing on the ground before we disappear for good.”
    Cassidy straightened out the plane and the
stall warning stopped.
    “You have a lot of scared people back here,”
Dennis said.
    “I’m not to happy myself to tell you the
truth,” she replied. “I’m doing the best I can. Now help me find a
place to land this thing.”

Chapter 5
Room 108
    Cassidy woke up the next day in a groggy daze
surrounded by machines, tubes and blinking lights. It didn’t take
long for her to realize she was in a hospital room and immediately
felt to make sure she still had her arms and legs. Satisfied she
was still intact, she took a deep breath and tried to remember how
she got there. Nothing, no memories at all. Then she heard a beep
and the sound of a voice from a speaker. “Miss Miller, this is the
nurse, are you alright?”
    Pissed, Cassidy replied, “My name is
    “Do you need any pain medications Miss
Miller?” the nurse replied.
    “I said my name is Cassidy, stop calling me
Miss Miller!”
    “The doctor will be in to see you soon, if
you need anything, press the nurse call button on the side
    Cassidy took a long deep breath and looked
for anything she could use to look at herself. The bathroom was
just across the room but she was tied to a pole with an IV line
sticking out of her hand. The room she was in wasn’t anything
special, she assumed she must not have been hurt too bad or there
would be more machines and more people around. Now to figure out
how she ended up in this hospital room in the first place.
    The last thing she could remember was being
in a plane heading to a photo shoot. She remembered getting on the
plane, she remembered Dennis her photographer but that was it. Then
the door swung open and a doctor and nurse entered the room. Both
female, one with a chart in hand and the other following.
    “Hello Miss Miller,” the woman in the lab
coat said. “My name is Dr. Kerr, and this is Alice my nurse. How
are you feeling today?”
    “I don’t like woman doctors,” Cassidy said
flat and to the point.
    “Why is that?” Dr. Kerr asked.
    “I don’t think women are cut out to be
doctors, that’s a man’s job. Women are nurses.”
    “Now a days there are lots of female doctors
and male nurses as well, times have changed a lot since you were a
    “Male nurses? Are you fucking kidding me?
What man would be a nurse?”
    Alice, trying to fight off her anger replied,
“Me and my husband are both registered nurses.”
    “How is that working for you honey? Is he
banging his boyfriend on the side?”
    Dr. Kerr, sensing a huge argument stepped in.
“Miss Miller, I need to assess your

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