him and they can get on with their lives.”
“I told you, she doesn’t mean anything to him.”
“Yes, you did, but actions speak louder, Calista, and actions are telling me something different.”
Just then another text came in.
Now you’re not gonna answer me? Is she with u right now?
Sent: Mon, 10:48 am
By: Cord
Calista started typing:
Yes, and she said no to the #.
Sent: Mon, 10:49 am
By: Calista
Calista’s phone rang.
“Don’t answer it, please,” Annie begged.
“Okay. I just finished my rounds . Do you want to go down by the pool and work on our tans?” Calista asked as she tossed her phone on the bed.
Along with keeping the books to the B&B, Calista oversaw the day to day operations and that included making sure the rooms were clean and restocked, even if that meant she had to clean them herself. Fortunately for her, she didn’t have to that day. The regular maid was there.
“Give me five minutes to change and I’ll meet you down there,” Annie said and she left for her room.
Cord didn’t even bother to leave a message when Calista’s voice mail picked up. He just flung his phone against Storm’s stall, the big black stallion he was breaking in, as he muttered a few choice words. Lucky for him it didn’t break, it just dropped onto a pile of hay but he wouldn’t have known until he picked it up at the end of his work day.
He wanted to get in his car and drive over to the B&B. Instead, he threw himself into his work. He was pushing Storm hard and Storm let him know that by rearing up and whinnying. After that, Cord became his usual gentle self with the beast and even though he was still angry, just being around Storm calmed him and for that he was grateful. He felt awful for taking out his frustrations on Storm.
After working out the horse, he groomed, as best he could, and fed him before putting him in his stall, and brought out another horse he was training. He needed him ready by Wednesday afternoon. That was when Scotty Lawson, the first hand of the T-Bar dude ranch, was coming to fetch him and another horse he was working with. He also needed to check on a couple of bulls that were being readied for bull riding in another month. That meant he had to head to his parents place and sure as shit, his father asked if he could check on a few things.
He finished so late at the end of the day; he just wanted to grab something to eat and go to sleep. He sent a text to Calista while in bed.
Just make sure Annie’s ready at 6:30 on Wednesday night.
Sent: Mon, 11:02 pm
By: Cord
Of course, there was no reply. He didn’t think there would be one.
Just before he fell asleep, he thought about the kiss he shared with Annie and all he wanted to do was kiss her again and taste her sweet lips. He had experience in kissing lots of girls, but none tasted as sweet or had such soft lips as Annie.
Chapter 7
Popping a strawberry in her mouth, Annie asked Joan if there were more biscuits and gravy to put out in the dining room for the dinner guests. It was 6:30 Wednesday evening.
Joan filled up the platter and Annie turned around to walk into the dining room.
There by the hall entrance to the kitchen, leaning against the wall was Cord. He was wearing tight dark blue denim jeans, a tight black T-shirt, black cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, firmly placed on his head.
Annie tried to show a look of indifference and hoped he didn’t notice she was drooling. He looked so sexy and dark.
The corners of his mouth slowly curved up and she could have melted like butter. Damn, he noticed.
“Hi” she said softly.
“Hi, you ready to go?”
“Um… no, I can’t, I’m working,” she said, looking at the plate of biscuits and gravy in her hands.
Joan took the plate from her hands and left the room.
“We had a date.”
“Um, about that, I’m going to have to canc-”
Elle Christensen, K Webster