Porn Star

Read Porn Star for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Porn Star for Free Online
Authors: Keith Trimm
Tags: Adult, stripper, porn star, stripper heels, stripper fantasy, stripper erotica
it a high or low winger?”
    “Were the wings at the top of the plane or
the bottom?”
    “On the sides,” she replied.
    Another pause, this time much longer. “I need
for you to turn the plane, do you think you could do that for
    “Sure, just tell me what to do.”
    “Alright, on the control panel, there is a
dial that controls heading. I want you to put in this number.”
Charles read off the number and Cassidy punched it in. The plane
slowly began to turn to the right and the shadows on the dash board
began to slide sideways in the light.
    Just then out of the corner of her eye,
Cassidy saw Jerry the pilot raise his head and point out the front.
He mumbled and frothed at the mouth but no actual words came out.
Jerry looked over to Cassidy as to get her attention and she looked
to where he was pointing.
    It was difficult for her to make out what he
was seeing. Pilots are used to picking out objects against an
unfamiliar horizon, but Cassidy could only make out patches of
farmland below and a blue sky above, Then she saw it, an oval
shaped silver object, like a football made of chrome reflecting the
clouds that surrounded it. It was difficult to make out how far
away it was based on the background of blue sky and no frame of
reference, but it was getting larger and larger by the second and
coming right at them. “What the fuck is that?” she asked.
    More mumbles and frothing from Jerry but no
response. Dennis stuck his head further into the cockpit to take a
look but had no answer.
    “What’s going on?” Lightpole asked over the
headset radio.
    “Something’s coming at us, in the sky,”
Cassidy replied.
    “Hold on, let me check something,” Lightpole
replied. A few seconds later he came back on. “I have no contacts
anywhere near you for a hundred miles. Can you describe what you’re
seeing?” he asked.
    Taking a good hard look Cassidy replied.
“It’s a huge silver football.”
    “How huge?” Lightpole asked.
    “Bigger than a truck.”
    “Like a pickup truck?”
    “No, like a semi, no, it’s bigger than that.
Maybe bigger than a boat.”
    “Like a dinghy?
    “What’s a dinghy?”
    “No concentrate, I want you to tell me what
it’s doing?”
    Cassidy paused and watched the object get
closer and closer. It grew larger in the window and began to open
like a taco shell. “It’s going to eat us,” she replied.
    “What does that mean?” Lightpole asked
    “It’s opening up like a huge taco shell. Like
a huge mouth and it’s coming right at us.”
    “Listen closely now. I want you to take off
the autopilot and steer the plane away from the object. Can you do
    “Done,” Cassidy said after flicking the
autopilot button to off. “Which way should I turn?”
    “I can’t see the object so you’ll have to
make that decision, just do it before it hits you.”
    Cassidy turned the wheel to the left and the
plane made a sharp dip to the dismay of the passengers. “How is
that? Is it working?” she asked Lightpole.
    “Radar shows you turning west, good job, what
is the object doing?”
    “I don’t see it anymore, I think we lost
    Dennis poked Cassidy on the shoulder and told
her to look out her right window. “Don’t be so sure,” Dennis said,
panic in his voice.
    Cassidy spoke on the headset, “It’s following
    For a good minute the headset was silent.
Cassidy continued to turn the plane to the left in a circle until a
warning buzzer sounded from the instrument panel and a voice
alerted to a potential stall.
    “What are you doing?” Dennis asked. “You’re
going to stall the plane!”
    “What the fuck is a stall?” Cassidy
    Jerry, the pilot was now lucid enough to
reply. “It’s when your airspeed isn’t fast enough to maintain
    “He’s back!” Dennis shouted, let him fly the
    “Are you alright?” Cassidy asked the pilot,
can you fly this now?”
    Jerry took hold of the controls and tried

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