Our Gang

Read Our Gang for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Our Gang for Free Online
Authors: Philip Roth
speak from my heart, I
    would be remiss as a General of the United States
    Army if I did not. Mr. President, if on the day you
    took office we had, with your permission, lined up
    and shot every single Vietnamese we could find, by
    so doing we would have saved fifteen thousand
    American lives. Instead, sir, following the course of
    action that you have ordered as Commander-in-
    Chief, and shooting and blowing them up
    piecemeal, catch as catch can, ten here, twenty
    there, and so on, we have suffered severe losses of
    both men and materials.
    Admittedly, by doggedly pursuing your strategy,
    we are now beginning to see some light at the end
    of the tunnel. And I have every hope that we will
    be able to help you make good on
    your promise to the American people, that by
    Election Day 1972, and according to your own
    secret timetable, you will have accomplished the
    complete withdrawal of the Vietnamese people
    from Vietnam.
    My point, sir, is that we have ways of accomplishing
    such withdrawals in a matter of hours. I beg
    of you, Mr. President, let us not repeat the errors of
    Vietnam in our own backyard.
    LEGAL COACH: Of course, Mr. President, I can
    not fault the General on his tactical wisdom, and
    believe me, I am not for a moment worried about
    taking on these civil-rights nuts. It's just that if we
    shoot these Scouts in the street before we round
    'em up and jail 'em, it is, as I said, going to create an
    awful lot of unnecessary busywork for my staff,
    many of them first-rate young men whom I can
    employ at far more useful and worthwhile tasks.
    However, before or after, Mr. President,
    whichever you choose, you can count on my
    support. But for you to go on TV and make a
    confession, or an apology, or any kind of explanation
    for yourself whatsoever, well, to my mind,
    nothing could more seriously undermine your moral
    and political authority, or constitute a graver threat
    to the cause of law and order. I will even go so far
    as to say that if you appear in any way to give
    ground on this issue-or any issue for that matter-you
    will be opening the
    46 OUR GANG
    floodgates to anarchy, socialism, communism,
    welfarism, defeatism, pacifism, perversion, pornography,
    prostitution, mob rule, drug addiction,
    free love, alcoholism, and desecration of the flag.
    You'll see a rise just in jaywalking that will stagger
    the imagination. Now I don't mean to throw a
    scare into anyone, but the fact is a vast criminal
    element in this country is waiting for just a single
    sign of weakness in our leader, so as to make its
    move. Anything at all that might suggest to them
    that Trick E. Dixon is not totally in control, of
    himself and the nation, and I hate to tell you what
    would follow. TRICKY (interrupting) : That's exactly
    why I'm having my sweat glands removed, to
    show how in control I am.
    LEGAL COACH (continuing) : Now, as you
    know, there is bound to be a certain amount of
    blood shed, when we go ahead and kill these
    young people, whether we do it before or after.
    This blood is something we seem always to run
    into with the killings, one of those facts of death
    we have to live with. Reverend, I see you shaking
    your head. Are you suggesting that it is possible
    to kill people, even youngsters like this, without
    spilling blood? If so, I'd like to hear about it.
    SPIRITUAL COACH (anguished) : Well .. what
    about gas .. poison gas ... Something like that?
    Surely enough blood has been shed in our century.
    MILITARY COACH: The only trouble with gas,
    Reverend, if I may speak here on the basis of my
    own firsthand experience-the trouble with gas is
    that unfortunately we don't have these Scouts in a
    big open space. If we had them, say, smack in the
    middle of a desert somewhere, sure, spray 'em and
    it's over with.
    SPIRITUAL COACH: Couldn't we get them to a
    desert then?
    LEGAL COACH: How? (Wary) Are you suggesting
    bussing them there?
    SPIRITUAL COACH: Well, yes, busses would do
    it, I

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