it’s officially signed over to you. But I guess you could always buy another one if the stipulation in grandfather’s will isn’t met.”
As they rounded the truck, she laughed. “Oh, this place is as good as mine. Keep showing me all the regular business stuff, and I just might be offering you a job.”
His head fell back on a guffaw as he grabbed the driver’s side door handle. “Sweetheart, you can’t afford me.”
“Maybe not, but life isn’t all about money.” She winked at him before climbing in, and that one little gesture shot fire down his spine.
Yeah, she was right. There was much more to life than money, but the one thing he found himself wanting more and more, needing more and more, he couldn’t have. But maybe, just maybe, when this month was over, he could find ways to setup events for Buckley Breeding Ranch and ensure he’d get to spend more time with her. He smiled as he got in. He couldn’t give in to his need for her now, but later? It was a possibility, and that was more than he had this morning.
* * * * *
Trent chewed the piece of straw as he watched his ex and that rich boy walk away from Kaya. He wasn’t much into Indians, but that woman was beautiful. He’d make an exception in her case.
At least he’d been trying to when Bindle and moneybags showed up cramping his style. That man had been sticking his nose everywhere for over two weeks now, and Trent was ready for him to scamper off to where he’d come from. It was hard enough trying to get tail with Brindle hovering around. Brindle was too uptight—always focused on work—even when they’d been dating. Too bad. She’d been a good lay even if her thighs had been locked shut. It had taken him time, but he’d gotten them open. After he was through with her he couldn’t just stop calling and pretended she didn’t exist like she was one of the other women he’d hooked up with. Nope, they worked together. Now, she was technically his boss, though women were really only good for one thing.
And he wanted that thing from little miss Kaya.
As soon as the two cock blocks left, he’d go back over there and work his magic. The mare wouldn’t foal for a while now, so there was plenty of time for him to pull Kaya aside and roll around in the hay for a bit.
“Who knows when I’ll get a chance to see something like that again,” Trent heard that guy Dawson say as those two got closer. From where he stood, they wouldn’t be able to see him in the shadows.
“Play your cards right, and I’ll invite you back to my ranch one day,” Brindle said. Funny, she even acted like it was her ranch to the owner. The girl had balls, he’d give her that. Trent looked over at Kaya and caught a nice view of her bending over.
“It’s not your ranch yet,” Dawson said and laughed. “You still have to see a profit before it’s officially signed over to you. But I guess you could always buy another one if the stipulation in grandfather’s will isn’t met.”
Trent’s head jerked toward them, all thoughts of what he’d like to do to Kaya’s rear fleeing. What did the man just say? Brindle was getting the ranch? That old man was leaving it to her?
He stepped closer to them, but stayed behind the door and out of their view. “Oh, this place is as good as mine. Keep showing me all the regular business stuff, and I just might be offering you a job.”
Well hell’s bells. An Attree was getting the biggest ranch in the county. And not just any Attree, but Trent’s ex. Shouldn’t have dumped her so soon. He could be running this place if the two of them were still together. Too late to worry about that now. He had some fixing to do.
“Sweetheart, you can’t afford me,” Dawson said. Richie Rich could call her that all he wanted, but Trent knew just what Brindle liked. He glanced at Kaya and felt irritated that he wouldn’t get to have his way with her. Yet. Right now, he had a plan to form and a ranch to take over. If he