the dentition we’ve estimated on some of the mutations is ridiculous.”
“Dinosaur -sized in other words.”
“So where does the violence stem from? You said something about increased testosterone and decreased mental capacity. But that doesn’t explain the rage. I’ve heard the recordings of that night. They all seem so…angry.” Beyond angry, bloodthirsty. Or as one of the psychos said, “hungry.”
“ I’m not sure if it’s a side effect of the change or just an enhancement of their issues stemming from captivity. Don’t forget, these people were victims kept in horrifying conditions. Many of them hadn’t seen the light of day in years. Some, like Renee, were captive so long she didn’t even recall what the sky or sun looked like. Add in a heavy dose of hormones, a primitive urge for survival, and they did what any animal who feels hunted or in danger would do. They lashed out.”
“Now you’re stretching. These aren’t teenagers rebelling. These are full-grown people. Adults. They know right from wrong.”
“But they had their brains tampered with. Are they really responsible for their actions?”
“They ate your staff.”
He winced. “Only some of them.”
“Raw.” Her nose wrinkled as she said it.
“Yeah.” He slumped.
“So, they suffer from ‘roid rage times a hundred. What else?”
“ According to my testing, their healing ability is compromised mostly because of the energy they expend while in shift mode. They require large quantities of vitamins and nutrients to replenish themselves and have to rest after every change.”
“So lots of food and sleep. Gotcha. If we can mobilize quick enough after an attack then we might be able to catch them while they’re recuperating.”
“I thought the plan was to catch them before they hurt anyone.”
“In a perfect Pollyana world, we would. However, do I need to remind you of how well that hasn’t been working for you? If we knew where they were , you wouldn’t need me. Correction, you would still need me, but I wouldn’t be wasting my time talking to you instead of being out there hunting them down.”
“Whatever, Sylvester.”
“I told you I was bad with names. So how many animals we talking about on the loose? And what kind?”
“Again, it’s in the files. ”
Ugh, again with the reading. “ Humor me.”
“A dozen are still roaming, if they survived. Amphibian, ostrich, chimp, two from the squirrel family, a do e— ”
“A deer?”
“A female deer.”
Okay, she wasn’t going to start humming that stupid song she learned in school. No. No. Too late. The next verse started in her head as he went on reciting the animals.
“A domestic cat, a gecko, and four unknowns.”
“They couldn’t recall their shifter animal and their records were missing. One has the appearance of a melted candle mixed with slime, but the other three, even though we put them through DNA testing, came out undetermined.”
“So we’ve got a full menu of shifters, each with different abilities running free. Lovely. Well, thanks for answering my questions.”
“ That’s it?”
“For now. I might have more questions later. If you could show me to that room you promised me for interviews and send in the staff who treated them, then I get can started.”
“ Of course.” The doctor spun in his polished loafers and headed up the hall, the lack of a white coat leaving his butt on display. A fine display. Not that Clarice admired it. Okay, maybe she did. Blame her acute vision, which forced her to notice just how nicely he filled out his pants. Ugh. There is something so wrong about a bird wondering what a cat’s butt would look like naked.
Dr. Manners left her alone in a windowless, nondescript room after ascertaining she didn’t want his help. Clarice conducted her interviews with the staff who worked with the maniacs on the loose. None of them had much to add other than
Flowers for Miss Pengelly