One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel
Penny considered the morning a great success on her path to making friends with Seth. Sure they seemed to have absolutely nothing in common but she just needed to get to know him better. All in all, it was definitely a step in the friendship direction.

    The rest of the week was a cinnamon roll success as Penny noticed Seth heading out to work a little earlier each day, giving them a chance to visit each morning. He even agreed to come over for dinner one night, 'sometime' but still he agreed. It was a good thing too because honestly, Penny was getting tired of waking up at five to bake for him.
    Sitting in the corner of Bitsie's Bridal, Penny and Liv stayed out of the way while Charlotte's mom Amila helped Charlotte into the gown she picked out.
    "I don't know why Amila's getting all teary eyed."
    Popping Liv on the arm, Penny scolded, "Liv!"
    "What? Charlotte's just getting married. It's not like she's moving off to another country."
    In a hushed tone Penny fussed, "What is wrong with you?"
    Hopping to her feet, Liv snapped, "Nothin'" and headed toward the exit door.
    Penny sat there for a moment before she realized why Liv must be upset.
    Getting up to go after her, she heard Charlotte ask, "What's wrong with Liv?"
    Shaking her head as she walked past, Penny answered, "I think she's sad about her mom."
    With an understanding nod, Charlotte said, "Her mom died when she was five," when Amila looked at her with concern.
    Feeling bad for Liv, Penny didn't always agree with her own mom but she couldn't imagine her not being there either.
    It took Penny a minute to find Liv once she was outside the boutique. Walking around the corner of the building, she finally spotted her.
    "Hey!" she said making her way up beside Liv.
    Noticeably upset, Liv replied, "I just need a minute."
    "I guess you wish your mom had been there when you got married."
    After giving Penny a strange look, Liv laughed, "Why? I didn't know the woman at all."
    Confused, she questioned, "Isn't that why you're upset?"
    "That'd be easier to deal with," Liv replied before sharing, "He won't talk to me."
    With a loud exhale, she replied, "I've tried everything I can think of to get him to tell me what the problem is and all he says is that it's nothin'." Then waving her finger around she continued saying, "But I know it's something, he barely looks at me."
    Recalling what Kieran had asked her at the shop, Penny speculated, "Maybe he feels bad about marking Braden."
    "I thought so at first too cause that's when it started but he just gave me his usual spiel about following the rules."
    "He has the right to deny or change them if he sees fit, though. That's why it's such a big responsibility. To keep with tradition but there's always exceptions."
    Appearing very interested, Liv questioned, "What do you mean?"
    "Well, you know there is a marker and a drawer, right," as Liv nodded, Penny continued, "Both positions are passed down although the drawer isn't usually by blood. When Kieran's mom got really sick and knew she wasn't going to make it much longer she passed the title over to my mom. The drawer doesn't have any real control or say so, and there can actually be more than one or not one. The tattoo rests with the sole discretion of the marker."
    Holding her hand up, Liv asked, "Wait, are you telling me anyone can draw out the tattoo?"
    "Well, yeah. I drew out Auggie's 'cause mom refused and I'm not a 'drawer'. Kieran approved it and he's the marker so..."
    Liv was infuriated as she all but demanded, "What happens to the drawing after the tattoo?"
    A tad cautious, Penny replied, "They all go in a big log book."
    "Where is it?" she snapped.
    "It's kept in the marking room, why?"
    Slapping the tops of her thighs, Liv blurted, "Son of a bitch, I better be wrong!"
    As Liv headed to her car, Penny shouted after her, "Where are you going?"
    Without answering, Liv got in her car and sped away.
    Penny stood there confused for a minute before heading back

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