Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC

Read Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC for Free Online

Book: Read Old Ghosts: Gypsy Riders MC for Free Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
    I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek as she began devouring her eggs and bacon, while lil’ Mike sat at her feet, intently watching for anything she might drop for him.
    Sometimes, it caught me off guard how much she looked like Rose. I gazed down at her, her face full of joy and innocence, and felt my heart swell with pride. I’d done a lot of bad things in my lifetime, but Rosie was turning out alright. I was proud of her, and I was proud to be her father.
    “Daddy, don’t forget I’m going for math tutoring at Ms. Daisy’s house this afternoon!”
    “I didn’t forget, sweetie. I’ll pick you up there at four o’clock. Make sure you are on your best behavior at her house, okay?”
    “Of course I will be, Daddy. I love Ms. Daisy. She’s the best teacher I’ve ever had!”
    I laughed.
    “She’s only the third teacher you’ve ever had, Rosie.”
    “Well, I know, but she’s a lot funnier and smarter than Ms. Star and Mr. Forester. And prettier.”
    “Oh, well, okay then, Rosie, whatever you say.”
    “She is pretty, don’t you think, Daddy?”
    “Ms. Daisy?” I asked, my heartbeat quickening as I said her name out loud. “Sure she’s okay, I guess.”
    Rosie laughed at my comment.
    “I know you think she’s pretty, Daddy.”
    “Oh, you do, huh? And how do you know that?” I asked. My daughter was way too observant.
    “I saw the way you smiled at her, that’s all. Don’t worry I won’t tell her.”
    I burst out laughing, and hustled her out the door to the bus stop before she could go on.
    “Get to school, missy! C’mon, I’ll walk you to the stop.”
    We walked hand in hand down the block to where the school bus was just pulling up to the corner. I kneeled down and looked into her pretty eyes. Rose’s eyes.
    “I love you, sweetheart. Have a great day and I’ll see you at four o’clock on the dot!”
    “Okay, Daddy. I love you, too!” She kissed me on the cheek. “Bye!”
    I watched her run away, her black curls bouncing around her head as she turned to wave one last time before climbing onto the bus.
    I sighed as I walked back to the house, turning my thoughts to the day’s events ahead of me. Or, rather I tried to think about the things I was supposed to think about. The club. The job coming up next week. The risk involved. What our plan would be should something go wrong. And what I was going to cook for dinner for Rosie later.
    But I couldn’t concentrate on any of those things, because my mind was completely preoccupied with thoughts of Daisy. She had been on my mind since the first moment I met her, and that was not a good thing. In fact, it was a terrible thing.
    She was Rosie’s teacher, dammit . I kept reminding myself of this fact, as if it was going to have some magic effect of turning off all thoughts of her. But that didn’t seem to matter one bit to my hardening cock. I kept thinking about the last time I saw her, the strap of her sundress threatening to fall off her sexy shoulder, the shy but determined way she insisted on meeting my gaze, the little blue flecks in her eyes when she did, the curled locks of her long wispy blonde hair falling around her shoulders like delicate feathers — and that smile. Those brief moments she stopped being shy, and flashed her smile at me, it was like a punch to the gut. Or, to the groin. Maybe both.
    I wasn’t quite ready to admit it was my heart she was punching.
    As far as I was concerned, that weathered thing was locked away tightly in a cage that had slammed shut when Rose died.
    I tried to banish the image of her from my mind as I drove to the clubhouse, but even the deafening roar of my bike couldn’t drive her away.
    After reaching the clubhouse, I spent my day helping Reaper work on his bike. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t quit commenting about meeting Daisy and how wholesomely hot she was.
    “A woman like that? I bet she’s a tiger in the sack! She’s all buttoned up and proper, and girls like that need a

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