Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

Read Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) for Free Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
    “Of course there was!” Delano laughed. “There’s always a spell. When you’re looking for a convenient excuse to give in to desire…”
    That was enough! I raised my hand to slap Delano clear across the face, but he grabbed hold of my wrists, forcing me down onto the bed. Panic spiked through me. What was Delano about to try? I gathered up all my fairy magic, closing my eyes, concentrating, ready to fight, adrenaline leaving me breathless as I prepared for a final battle for my honor.
    But nothing happened. I opened my eyes tentatively to find that Delano had left the room. I didn’t know what he was up to, but I didn’t like it. I had to get out of there – quickly – before Delano tried whatever pixie lust spell he’d used on me again. I made a mental note to teach myself how to protect my heart against love spells. In a kingdom where love was outlawed, such techniques could be very dangerous indeed. I concentrated all my energy on establishing a telepathic connection with someone, anyone – Kian, Logan! But it was Kian who called to me, Kian for whom my love was strong enough, had to be strong enough…
    I focused on a mental image of his face: beautiful, strong, stormy blue eyes that were almost grey with those sharp cheekbones and that impossibly high jaw, his black hair long and loose across his face.
    But there was nothing. No response. No return. Had he forgotten me? My heart doubled over with fear. Had he really stabbed me – and closed his heart to me forever? No, it couldn’t be! I felt my immortality, my Winter immortality, within me. It was the symbol of his love.
    Well, I’d have to make my own way out. I sighed. But if I was going to make it out of the pixie castle alive, I’d have to get some strength. I stared at the plate of food and realized how hungry I was. Before stopping to wonder if the food was poisoned, I gobbled it down, deciding mid-bite that Delano was too interested in me to have me killed, wolfing down a loaf of bread and fruits.
    My strength restored, I set about to look in the closet for something more practical to wear. I’d never be able to fight in this golden train. Nothing as practical as the knight’s uniform I’d worn to rescue Kian appeared, but I did spy some male Pixies’ clothes: one of Delano’s, no doubt. I made a face, but it was better than the alternative. As I hurriedly began changing into male gear a sudden sound stopped me, a voice in my ear that filled my soul with desire and relief.
    At first I thought he was contacting me, speaking directly, but then a vision appeared before my eyes. Kian was kneeling, knee-deep in silver blood on the battlefield, his boots caked with old mud, the body of a summer knight splayed out at his feet. I recognized the red hair and my heart stopped. Rodney? Shasta’s lover? No, it couldn’t be! I looked closer – it wasn’t Rodney – but my heart remained pained. Some Summer Knight, one of my men, had died at Kian’s hand.
    Kian! I called out.
    Breena ! But he didn’t hear me, didn’t see me. His cries were directed to the great, cloud-covered sky, cries of pain and despair. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He closed the lids of the eyes of the fallen body, his own frame racked with pain. “I never wanted this, my friend. I never wanted this!” No, Kian had always dreamed of peace – a peace that he and I would share. “I’m sorry you had to die. I knew you. You were a good soldier.” He began to sing, softly – a song he had sung for me in the old days, when Kian was first teaching me about Feyland at his cabin where he had taught me how to fight, and where we had first kiss – the icy Snow Prince and the mortal girl. It was a song in the ancient tongue, to be sung for a fallen warrior. Its beauty made me double over in pain.
    Kian finished his song, and then cast his eyes down to the corpse. “I have sung for you,” he said, his voice

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