Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series)

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Book: Read Frost Kisses (Bitter Frost #4: Frost Series) for Free Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
I could feel even from so many miles away. I knew it wasn’t you who stabbed me – knew it couldn’t have been – any more than I could have loved another! We’ve both been fooled and enchanted.
    I could see Kian’s face grow hard and cold. Whoever it was who has betrayed us, Kian gave a stony glare out across the horizon, I will seek out. We will restore justice. We will restore peace. And we will make sure our enemies never ever hurt us again.
    And then our connection faded, and he was gone.

    Chapter 6
    I huddled against the cold, warming myself one final time against the roaring fireplace before heading out to fight the Pixies. I knew the battle would be hard – one girl, even if she was the Summer Queen with the magic of Summer, against hundreds of pixie knights. But I was willing to risk it – I had to risk it! I wasn’t going to be a slave or a prisoner to any pixie king, least of all - Delano, and especially not if I had something to live for. Kian loved me, I knew that now – and I knew too that he still dreamed of peace between our two kingdoms. If I could only get free – if I could only escape! – then we could rejoin our forces, fight once more for freedom, undo the wrongs committed by Wort and Delano in their plot to overthrow the fairies once and for all! I gritted my teeth and felt my resolve deep within me, as icy-hard as winter steel. I would not give up! Kian hadn’t stabbed me; he hadn’t hurt me! It had been someone else – someone with powerful magic willing to use it to pry us apart.
    Before I finished putting on the final piece of clothing – a hunting-green velvet cloak that had clearly belonged to Delano, the warmest thing I could find in the wardrobe – I heard a distinctive cough coming from behind the door. I rushed over and opened it, expecting to find Delano lurking there.
    Instead I saw a familiar face, a face I had dreamed of so often – yet more beautiful than ever in its nearness, its warmth. It was Kian, standing at my threshold with a look of rapturous joy upon his face, his smile crinkling at the edges just as I had always remembered. “Breena,” he whispered. “I found you…”
    My heart leaped into my throat as I practically flew into his arms. He took my hands, and at his touch I felt that same familiar burst of electricity within me. He was staring at me now not only with love, but with desire – a palpable desire that I had never seen in him before. He had shown me love, passion, even longing before, but in his eyes now I saw the animal raging of true and ferocious need: he had longed for me; he had wanted me. And I wanted him.
    Before I could speak, Kian was upon me, kissing me with a ferociousness and a passion that he had never had before. The passion was so overwhelming I could barely move to respond, even as my body cried out to meet him motion for motion, kiss for kiss. He lifted me, carrying me in his arms to the satin sheets of the bed that had been prepared for me.
    “We have to get out…”
    “Not yet!” Kian threw me on the bed, and I caught sight of his hair glistening in the flickering candle-light. “Not yet…” His shirt seemed to come off in a single, fluid motion, and I saw again the taut contours of his muscles, that soldier’s body, that had gained its strength and agility over decades, if not centuries, of practice. His skin was smooth, pulled taunt against his muscles. He was perfect. I trembled as he kneeled into the bed, straddling me as he covered my shoulders with kisses. I had once feared that I would never see him again. But as he appeared before me I knew there had never been anybody else, there would never be anybody else. Kian was my true love, and my whole body ached with the desire to let my magic, my love, my being meld with his. I closed my eyes as he removed the velvet cloak from my shoulders, then began to strip away my garb, one item of clothing at a time until I was

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