the ark, Dad. I don’t think there are any games on it, but I haven’t really had a chance to look properly. I think I’ll go back upstairs and have a proper play with it. By the way, Dad, what’s a Morris Minor?’
‘Well that’s an easy one. It’s the young member of a family called Morris. You know, just like you are a Tranter minor.
Jamie groaned, ‘Dad.’ and then asked him what the proper answer was. After Kevin had told him, he asked Jamie why he had a sudden interest in old cars.
‘It was just something that I read and it sounded a funny name for a car. Anyway, I’m going to have another play with the computer.’
‘Oh, no you’re not, young man. You’re spending too much time on that old computer.’
‘But, Dad, I haven’t had proper chance to use it yet. Can I just have five more minutes, please?’ Jamie pleaded
‘You make sure it’s no more than that,’ Debbie said, adding her own concerns.
Jamie didn’t reply as he headed for the stairs and was soon seated at the computer.
‘Cool,’ was Jamie’s reaction when he saw the background wallpaper displayed on the screen with its array of various spacecraft and a flashing logo with the words PLANET TITANTULA . He planned to check his astronomy book later to see if there was such a planet. Maybe Uncle Stanley had been interested in astronomy just like he was. Strange, that they might have another interest that they shared.
‘Now, let’s find try and find that file,’ Jamie said to himself. He had already discovered that the operating system wasn’t like anything he had used at school. If it had been Microsoft Windows he would have found the file called Jamietest in a flash, but this computer had a system called SOS. Jamie smiled; surely it couldn’t stand for Stanley’s Operating System. It would be so corny if it did and mean that perhaps his dad took after his Uncle Stanley. Jamie surveyed the desktop layout that was totally different to what he was used to, but much better. He was relieved when he saw an icon for, File Manager, which he clicked on and discovered that it opened and displayed a very long list of files that were not in alphabetical order. He entered Jamiestest in the ‘search box’ and then shouted a satisfied ‘Yes’ when the file appeared and he clicked on it to open the document.
Jamie read through the message on the screen and it left him wondering about his great Uncle Stanley. Considering that his late relative had not been in contact with his family for so many years he had obviously given them some thought. The gist of the message was a series of question and answer boxes, but Jamie’s initial thoughts that it was a fun family quiz were soon dashed when a warning message revealed that failure to answer all the questions would be disastrous. He had just 48 hours to answer all six questions correctly to stop the computer from deleting all of its files and effectively going into a self destruct mode. The questions were as follows:
Question 1
Who was Liverpool’s top scorer in the 1950-51 season.
Question 2
Christian names of Great Grandfather Tranter.
Question 3
What regiment did Grandfather Tranter serve in.
Question 4
What is the name of my favourite goldfish.
Question 5
The year Great Grandmother Tranter was born.
Question 6
Result of multiplying the number on your room key with answer to Q5.
By the time that Jamie had studied the list for the third time he was thinking that he may as well turn the computer off and forget about it. Question 1 was about the only one that he felt confident of being able to answer with the help of his dad or one of his books on the history of Liverpool Football Club. He doubted if old Rufus would know the name of the goldfish and for most of the other questions he might have to rely on his dad’s memory which wasn’t too good for anything other than football. Uncle Stanley’s instructions made it
Ron Roy and John Steven Gurney