NFH 02 Perfection
said, feeling foolish going on a job interview in jeans and a
summer blouse, but she had nothing else to wear and Trevor promised
that it would be fine. She wasn't entirely comfortable counting on
one person for so much help, but she also knew that she really
didn't have much of a choice in the matter.
    He held the door open for her and with
a nervous smile she stepped inside. The first thing she noticed was
the large refrigerator, cabinets, and kitchen sink. That was a
little surprising. Didn't these trailers usually have small
kitchenettes? she wondered as she glanced over at the small
comfortable sitting area and a large "L" shaped desk to her
    "I really appreciate you coming in for
an interview. We're kind of desperate to get a fulltime secretary
and office manager," he said, reaching over the desk and grabbing
another clipboard. He attached a few sheets of paper to the
clipboard before handing it to her.
    "If you could go ahead and fill out
the reference section I can check those out while you finish the
rest of the application," he suggested with a warm
    "O-okay," she said nervously as dread
filled her. This was going to end very badly. She thought about
giving him a head's up about her situation, but then decided
against it since it would probably look like she was badmouthing
her last employer.
    With dread she sat down and quickly
filled out the top sheet and handed it to him. With a smile he
disappeared through the doorway to the right of the desk and closed
the door, leaving her alone to either finish her paperwork or make
a run for it.
    Ah, what the hell, she decided a
minute later. What did she have to lose? Besides a little more of
her pride and dignity that is. It didn't take her too long to
finish filling out the rest of the paperwork and when she was done
she sat there trying not to fidget.
    Thankfully Mr. Bradford didn't make
her wait too long.
    "Why don't you step into my office,"
he said, still smiling. That had to be a good sign, she thought,
walking into his office and almost tripping over her feet when she
got her first good look.
    What the hell.......
    Half of his office was set up as an
office with a large desk, filing cabinets, computer, a couple of
chairs and framed documents and large pictures of past projects
neatly lining the walls. The other half of the office was a little
odd to say the least.
    In the corner was a baby crib, a
changing table, a bookshelf filled with books and toys, pictures of
Mickey Mouse lined the walls and teddy bears lined the floor. The
area had obviously been set up for a well loved child, she thought
with a sad smile.
    "That's for my little buddy," Mr.
Bradford said with a warm smile.
    "What's his name?" she asked, taking
the seat he gestured to.
    "Cole, he's just a few months shy of
one," he said proudly as he took his seat behind the large desk.
"May I?" he asked, holding his hand out for her
    She handed it over, fighting back the
urge to ask what her old job said about her. As she sat there
trying not to squirm he looked over her application, absently
nodding every few seconds.
    Was he looking for a polite way to
tell her that he wasn't interested? She didn't remember being this
nervous at her last job interview, granted that was over three
years ago. She really wasn't sure that her poor stomach was going
to be able to handle the stress of going on any more job
    "When can you start?" he asked,
startling her.
    Once again even though she knew she
should keep her mouth shut she didn't listen. "Um, did you check my
    "Mmmhmm, everything checked
    "Everything?" she asked, wishing she
could just shut the hell up. Seriously, what was wrong with
    "Yup, you worked for some real
assholes," he said, smiling and throwing her a wink. "Don't worry,
Trevor filled me in this morning. It also didn't hurt that you've
already met my wife and she vouched for you."
    Zoe sighed in relief.
    "So, can you start tomorrow?"

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