
Read Mollywood for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Mollywood for Free Online
Authors: L.G. Pace III
information and Joe chimed in that we were pretty sure about the date of conception. She took down both dates and informed us that based on our responses my due date was April 4th. Joe and I simply looked at one another blankly. We responded glumly to all her additional questions until she asked my family history and discovered my brothers were twins.
    “Identical or fraternal?”
    “Fraternal.” I replied and she raised her eyebrows as her fingers flew over her keyboard. I realized I was starving and glanced at my phone to see it was 4:15. I needed to eat something but the thought of throwing up again depressed and exhausted me. She blew through several more questions before we hit another roadblock.
    “Are either of you of Jewish decent.”
    “I am.” Joe chimed in. “On my mom’s side.”
    “And you?” She turned to me.
    “No.” I shook my head, wondering what on earth Joe’s being Jewish could have to do with anything relevant. “Not that I know of. Why?”
    “There’s a genetic disorder called Tay-Sachs associated with Jewish parents. You shouldn’t have to worry about it. Both parents have to have the gene. Well, that was the last of the questions. This is for you.” She smiled and handed me a bag full of samples and coupons. Then she nodded to the gown on the exam table. “Go ahead and change. The doctor will be in shortly.”
    I started to undress for the second time in awkward silence. Simply put, I was trying to keep from losing my shit. Joe and I hadn’t even talked about kids. We’d been too busy trying to figure how we fit into each other’s lives to get into any of the serious conversations. Hell, we’d hardly dated at all before we moved in together, much to the astonishment of most of our friends and family.
    A baby.
    This just couldn’t be real.
    I’d always been careful. I’d been completely anal about taking my birth control when I was married to my ex. Before I realized Draven wasn’t parent material, I had most definitely wanted to have kids. Once I saw his temper in action, I was terrified of getting pregnant. I quickly decided I didn’t want to bring a defenseless target for his anger into our house. But ‘pre-Draven Molly’ had wanted to have babies.
    But that hypothetical ‘someday’ was usually tied to something stable and permanent, or at least a lot more solid than what I had with Joe. And Joe…well, he was still recovering from losing his son who’d died before he’d even had a chance to hold him. I knew he wasn’t ready for this. How could he be? Would he even want me to have it?
    I shook my head.
    Of course he’ll want me to have it. This was Joe.
    I felt on the verge of bursting into tears. Joe inhaled like he was about to speak when a loud rap on the door made me jump. A tall, statuesque blonde strode purposefully in and smiled brightly at me.
    “Hi, Molly. I’m Kate Myers.”
    “Hi.” My response sounded meek. I was afraid if I said anything else my voice would crack and the floodgates would open. I’d already reached my quota of tears for the decade.
    “Sounds like it’s been a day full of surprises.” Her sapphire eyes were full of empathy and she turned to Joe with an outstretched hand. The smiled on her face immediately vanished. “Joe?”
    “What’s up, doc?” Joe gave her a soft smile and I felt every hair on my body stand on end. Watching the silent exchange between the two of them was like getting a glimpse into the past. I suddenly felt like an intruder.
    “It’s great to see you again.” She sounded genuine, and Joe managed a nod in return. She turned back to me and she seemed to reassess me, her eyes resting on my forearm tattoos. I assumed I must have been a bit of a shock to her after the fair and lovely Jessica but Dr. Myers smiled at me again, kindness emanating from her.
    “Go ahead and lie back for me, Molly. I want to measure your uterus and I need to press on you in order to do that thoroughly. It

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