
Read Mollywood for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Mollywood for Free Online
Authors: L.G. Pace III
Mason and Mac’s birthday party-”
    “It was.” Joe raked his hand through his hair and blew out a breath at the ceiling. As I slipped my shoes on, I felt a lump form in my throat. The one time we had a condom tear, it was at the least opportune moment possible. I’d already brought up going on the pill and he’d been understandably in favor of the idea. We just hadn’t made time in our schedules to get things done. When the condom broke, Joe freaked out and sprang into action. He’d made an appointment the following morning to get tested for everything since I’d already run that STD marathon after Draven’s affair and knew I was clean. Meanwhile, I tried not to panic, but I made an appointment with my doctor for birth control and pregnancy test. I thought we’d covered our bases. I shook my head.
    I guess I should have pressed them to draw blood.
    As I picked up my purse, I noticed my hands were trembling. I stiffly sat back down on the exam table, afraid to even look in Joe’s direction.
    “Molly?” There was marked trepidation in his voice.
    “Yeah?” I stared at the tile patterns on the floor. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
    He reached out for me and stroked my hair. I nervously shifted my gaze toward him, but I still didn’t dare look him in the eye. When he spoke, his voice sounded thick. “It’s gonna be okay.”
    Before I had a chance to respond, the door swung open and the nurse hurried back again. She looked flustered as she handed me a business card.
    “Alright. They can work you in as soon as you can get there. But you need to go now.”
    “Is this really necessary? Can’t I just go tomorrow?”
    “The doctor said ASAP. The OB/GYN agreed.” I may not know anything about medicine, but I know people. She looked nervous. I had a feeling she wasn’t telling me everything. She rushed us out the door and once we were outside in the sunshine, the entire event seemed surreal. I forced myself to meet Joe’s eyes, and was comforted by the fact that he no longer looked as white as a sheet. He took my hand and started in the direction of the truck.
    “Let me see where this place is.” Joe held out his hand for the business card. I handed it over to him and when he read the address, he stopped in his tracks. He closed his eyes with a heavy exhale.
    “What?” I asked, a feeling of foreboding overtaking me. I was afraid to hear his answer.
    “Dr. Myers was Jess’s OB.” His voice had a rough edge. I cringed a little at the mention of his dead wife and the bite I heard when he said the doctor’s name.
    “Oh.” I whispered. He pinched the bridge of his nose and then looked up at the blue sky as if gathering himself.
    “She’s a really good doctor.” He added, as if he’d sensed my apprehension. I noticed he didn’t look in my direction, and I realized just how terrified I was.
    “Okay.” I responded, climbing into the truck. It was the first time I could remember Joe not opening the door for me. I figured he was distracted and couldn’t blame him.
    We arrived at the OB/GYN office at 3:30 and scrambled in our bewildered state to fill out the lengthy questionnaires and medical histories. In retrospect, it was probably for the best that we had something to focus on. We were just finishing the last form when they called us back.
    The nurse requested more urine from me, weighed me again, and measured my height. Then she hurried us into an exam room.
    “New OB visit! How exciting! Congratulations. Can I just say that y’all are a gorgeous couple? I’m sure you’ve made a beautiful baby!” Her toothy grin would have had me laughing along with her any other day. Instead, Joe and I both murmured an awkward ‘thanks’. She paused at our lackluster response, and after another quick look at my chart, she shifted gears to an ultra-professional manner.
    As she took my vitals, she started in with a barrage of questions. When she asked the first day of my last period, I gave her the

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