Mira's View
waited for Clovia and Morak to take their
place at the head table. The two walked in together with an arm
around each other’s waist, smiling to everyone that they passed.
Taking their place, the feast began.
    The evening progressed into late night as
even larger amounts of wine were consumed. With each passing hour,
the elves became wilder and wilder. Galena watched the different
activities with increasing humor as they danced alone and with
others. She heard wild stories and stories from the past. She
smiled at the poetry recited and created on the spot, and laughed
at the jokes that flew in every direction. Elf pairs snuck off into
the shadows, while others simply sat around fires, holding hands.
There were large amounts of food consumed, always being replaced
by, yet another dish upon its disappearance. It was a grand
occasion in which everyone appeared to be having fun. Galena saw
Melan sneak off with Venia in the distance as she watched Tark
dancing with his commitment partner, Taura. His eyes twinkled as he
watched her dance around him in a kind of frenzy. In the distance,
she saw her father among the elders, deep in conversation.
    Galena herself, felt extremely giddy. I
could float on air . Pulling on Elenio’s arm, she dragged him
out to dance by the fireside. A group of elves played different
instruments; pipes, drums, and stringed instruments all blending in
perfect harmony. They were currently playing a slow, sad song,
which didn’t match the mood of those around them, but Galena found
appealing just the same. Reaching for Elenio, she pulled him closer
to her. They danced around in circles until she felt quite dizzy,
making her cling tighter to him for fear of falling.
    “Come with me,” he whispered in her ear.
    Giggling, she let him lead her off into the
shadows. They walked slowly into the forest for the light was dim,
and continued until they could hear the music they had left behind,
grow fainter. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.
She forgot everything, but Elenio’s warm mouth on hers. His lips
were soft, warm, and tasted of elderberry wine. Coming up for
breath, she gazed at him.
    “Did I mention that I think you look
beautiful?” His voice sounded husky in the quiet of the night.
Blushing, she returned his gaze, caressing his face lovingly. His
face was a face that she would be able to love for an eternity. Her
heart swelled with pride. They may have a shorter life than those
of her ancestors’, but she was ready to make the most of it.
    Galena was content just to embrace him,
savoring the moment, and simply enjoying being beside this
incredible elf as well as the peace and quiet from the constant
partying. However, something made her pull back.
    There was a different feel and smell in the
air, a sort of tension that could readily be felt, tasted, even
heard. Breaking away completely, Galena searched the surrounding
forest to see what had made this change in the atmosphere.
Straining all of her senses, she heard leaves crunching followed by
an almost inaudible grunt. Elenio looked around as well, body just
as tense. Somewhere in the distance, where her family and friends
had gathered for the commitment ceremony, she heard a scream
followed by another.
    Her heart leapt to her throat before crashing
down into the pit of her stomach. They wouldn’t come out
tonight , she thought to herself. The torlics wouldn’t
interrupt this happy occasion, would they? More and more
screams filled the night air, piercing the peacefulness with their
wails. Sparing a glance at Elenio, Galena tore off toward the
feasting area, Elenio hot on her trail.
    Racing back into the clearing, Galena’s
stomach clenched painfully as she beheld the carnage before her.
Everywhere she looked, were fallen elves, both old and young. Some
still gasped for breath, while others appeared to be staring into
the night sky.
    Fighting the panic that threatened to
overwhelm her, Galena searched for her brothers and

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