Millionaire Dad's SOS

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Book: Read Millionaire Dad's SOS for Free Online
Authors: Ally Blake
chin had dropped and her whole body had curled into itself.
    With Violet and Olivia firmly in mind, Meg made sure she had the girl’s full attention before she said, ‘You have your own bedroom, right? Fridge privileges. Access to the TV remote.’
    Ruby thought a moment, then nodded.
    ‘Then that means it’s your house too.’
    Ruby looked up at the house thoughtfully. Meg did the same, wondering how close the kitchenmight be. And if she might be able to outrun the nanny. Then it occurred to her—it was midmorning on a weekday.
    She spun back to Ruby. ‘Shouldn’t you be at school?’
    Ruby’s mouth puckered into a defiant little pout and her chin lifted a good two inches. ‘I have a sore throat.’
    Meg’s eyes widened as she let her gaze run over the swings, and the Frisbee resting next to them on the lawn. If the kid had a sore throat she’d give up chocolate for ever. Still, Ruby’s rebellious streak hooked her. Maybe the kid was more like her than her nieces after all.
    ‘A sore throat, you say.’
    Ruby nodded, then added a couple of terrible attempts at a sniffle for good measure.
    ‘You know what?’ Meg said, tapping her chin with her finger. ‘When I was seven and a half and got a sore throat, I found the days went so much quicker if I actually went to school. I know, sounds crazy, huh? But truly, by the time I got home I’d forgotten all about my throat and why it felt sore in the first place!’
    Ruby eyed her down a moment before admitting, ‘It has been a very long day.’
    Meg laughed before hiding it behind a cough. ‘Okay, now the lesson’s done, you didn’t hear this from me. But if I did stay home from school I let my mum smother me with ice cream and tuck me upwith blankets on the couch while I watched daytime TV. That way she knew where I was and I felt better at the same time.’
    Ruby blinked, but her expression didn’t change a jot as she said, ‘My mum’s gone.’
    Ruby nodded.
    And then Meg knew from the look in the kid’s eyes ‘gone’ meant she wasn’t coming back. She took a step towards the small girl and knelt down in front of her. ‘Oh, sweetheart.’
    Why God let some kids grow up so quick she’d never understand. Now she did understand.
    Now she did understand the sore throat all too well. Classic ‘get Daddy’s attention’ manoeuvre. But come on, what kind of father didn’t give his little girl attention when he was the only thing she had left?
    The guy obviously had no idea Ruby’s attentionseeking behaviour could escalate so fast and in ways more dangerous than he would ever believe possible. Then again, maybe he knew, and maybe he simply didn’t care.
    Meg nibbled at her bottom lip as she glanced back to the house. This wasn’t some shell-shocked urchin at the Valley Women’s Shelter happy to have a pair of warm, comforting arms around her no matter who they belonged to; this was a spunky, healthy-looking kid, surrounded by toys in a multimillion-dollar home. A home Meg was currently trespassing on.
    She stood and took three steps back. ‘Sweetheart, I’m sure your dad knows where the ice cream is kept too.’
    This time at mention of her father Ruby sat bolt upright. ‘He’s busy. He has an important job with lots of people counting on him. He works all week while I’m at boarding school and only comes home weekends when I come home. But I could go get him now if I really wanted to. To tell him about my throat and all. I just don’t want to.’
    ‘He works at the resort?’ Meg asked. The imaginary huffy bees were back, swirling about her head with increased volume and intensity.
    Ruby said, ‘He owns this one and lots more all over the world. He’s going to take me on his plane and show me all the others one day. He promised. Just not right now. I have school when I’m not sick. But some day.’
    Meg heard not much more than blah blah blah as she stared down at Ruby. The dark hair, the wary dark eyes, the natural intensity that

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