Hell's Revenge
at another guy’s ass? It just reinforced my initial impulse to hide the kiss from the vampire. Geez, if he’s pissed ‘cause I’m looking, he’d go ballistic if he found out about a lip lock. Hmmm, but I bet the after fight sex would be fantastic.
    A furry body went slinking past us as David took point position behind the Greek god. I didn’t hear a thing, but David must have done something—that or the butler had a fear of cats—for those already tight buttocks clenched up so tight I doubt we could have flossed them.
    After what seemed like a maze of corridors and turns, which made no sense given the diminutive exterior of the tower, we arrived in what could only be classed as a harem.
    I ogled in astonishment as we walked into a cavernous chamber which, compared to the rest of the place, appeared light and airy. I’ll admit, in my bias, I’d expected dark red velvet, chains and a monster bed. Instead, there were high arched windows letting in light which had to be artificial given Hell’s reddish glow. A huge fountain in the middle of the room bubbled; I especially liked its statue of a naked man peeing out of a massive marble cock. Divans, pillows and chairs abounded and while they varied in color, they all had one thing in common: comfort. Oh, and there was one other hugely noticeable aspect to the room—lots and lots of naked men.
    Talk about eye-candy overload. I swear my tongue just about hung out of my mouth as I drooled at the vast array of naked flesh in every color imaginable and some that had to be artificial. I mean, seriously, there was a guy who was blue from head to toe, even his prick and balls.
    A hand was clapped over my eyes and I squealed. “Auric! What are you doing?”
    “Protecting you from yourself,” he announced in Neanderthal fashion.
    Annoyed as I was at his jealous treatment, I’ll admit I also found it hot. My fallen angel was usually the cool and collected one. To find him susceptible to such a human trait as jealousy simply endeared him to me even more.
    “Auric, let her go.” David’s demand surprised me for two reasons. One, he never went against Auric’s wishes that I knew of, and second, he must have shifted back which meant he currently showed off his naked parts—parts I owned for my own personal visual enjoyment and use.
    “You’d better be wearing some clothes,” I sputtered as the heavy hand over my eyes lifted. I opened them to see David wearing a grin and nothing else. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of. His body, with its lean rippled physique rivaled those in the room. However, I suddenly discovered that while I didn’t mind eyeballing Nefertiti’s sex slaves, I wasn’t so keen on returning the favor with my men.
    I never denied having a jealous nature. Hell, the last broad who’d tried to hit on Auric had worn a black eye for a week.
    Auric laughed as I strode over to a table set with delicacies and tore the table cloth off it. Of course, I lacked the skill of an entertainer and the dishes went crashing to the floor, not that I cared. I wrapped the length of fabric around David’s hips while he regarded me with a smirk and crossed arms. I didn’t like leaving his chest bare, but the only option would be to either use Auric’s shirt which would leave him bare or give him my shirt which I doubted Auric would allow.
    Mental note to self—next time I come to Hell, I need to bring some spare clothes for situations like these.
    All the kerfuffle over clothing had made me miss the arrival of our hostess.
    “Lucifer’s daughter, how kind of you to visit.”
    I whirled and then lost my tongue to shock. I’d recognized the voice as belonging to prune face, my father’s mage, but the beautiful woman standing in front of me looked nothing like the crone I’d previously dealt with. Gone were the wrinkles and hunched form of the witch, replaced by a petite woman with long, glossy black hair, luminous tanned skin and a nude figure that put all women

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