A Kiss for Lady Mary

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Book: Read A Kiss for Lady Mary for Free Online
Authors: Ella Quinn
sounded at the door. “Another letter for you, Your Grace.”
    Constance took it. “From Eunice.” She perused the contents. “Mary plans to come to Town to husband hunt. Eunice will stall her as long as possible, but we need to send Kit up there sooner rather than later.”
    “I agree.” Lucinda bit into a small cake. “I cannot wait until Kit and Mary realize they are just the thing for each other. I do think this is the best match we’ve planned so far.”
    “Indeed, my dear. After all these years, finally our two houses will be connected by more than friendship.” Constance smiled to herself. “As soon as Almeria returns, we’ll spring the trap.”

    K it stood motionless as his valet, Piggott, adjusted the back of his jacket. Easter had come and gone, and the Season was in full swing. Kit barely had a moment to himself these days, and still not one likely marriage prospect in sight, nor had he seen hide nor hair of Lady Mary despite diligently searching Polite Society’s entertainments without arousing unwanted interests. He heaved a sigh.
    “Busy day, sir?” Piggott asked.
    “Not as bad as some. I’ll take luncheon at my club, after which I am promised to my grandmother. She’s expressed a desire to be driven in my new curricle.”
    “The dowager, sir? In your curricle?”
    The corner of Kit’s mouth twitched in an attempt to curve into a smile. He was certain Piggott’s jaw would have dropped, were such a display not beneath any valet of quality. “Don’t sound so scandalized. She’s not a day over seventy. Been full of fun and gig her whole life.”
    “Yes, sir. So I’ve heard.”
    Kit cracked a laugh. “M’father swears he’s the only man he knows who got gray hair from his mother instead of his children.” He grew suddenly tired of Piggott’s fussing. “Finish up. I must be on my way. I don’t wish to be late for my engagement. After I see my grandmother, I’ll be at Dunwood House, then I have two balls to attend this evening. One is Lady Bellamny’s.”
    “Everything shall be ready, sir.” Piggott handed Kit his gloves, hat and cane.
    Kit opened the door into the corridor to find one of his father’s younger footmen getting ready to knock.
    “If you please, sir, his lordship requests you attend him immediately.”
    How odd. He’d seen his father just the other day. Kit frowned. “Has anything happened to one of my brothers or sisters?”
    The lad shook his head. “Don’t think so. I was told only to come and get you.”
    “Yes, sir.” The footman dashed down the stairs and out the front door. “I wonder what could be the matter.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Piggott, send a message round to Lord Evesham telling him I’ll be a bit late.”
    A quarter hour later, Kit entered his father’s study. A decanter of brandy and a half-full glass sat before Papa on the desk. Kit had never known his father to drink this early in the day. At least not brandy. Something must be terribly amiss. “What’s wrong?”
    Papa ran a hand down his face. “You might want to sit, my boy.”
    If this had something to do with him, Kit thought he would rather not. “I believe I’ll stand.”
    His father took a sip, then leaned back in his large, dark leather chair. The exact same position Papa had taken the few times Kit had ever been in trouble. His father cleared his throat. “I realize you have been reluctant to marry. One might say you’ve been avoiding choosing a bride. Is there a particular reason you have been so hesitant?”
    Other than not having seen Lady Mary, the only woman with whom he could consider living the rest of his life, for a long time, no reason at all. It occurred to Kit that he’d never realized how important his marrying was to his father. Perhaps he should have been more assiduous about finding a mate. He would do so this Season.
    He shrugged lightly. “Why?”
    After taking another sip of the brandy, his father stared at him. “I want you

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