The Sheikh's Green Card Bride

Read The Sheikh's Green Card Bride for Free Online

Book: Read The Sheikh's Green Card Bride for Free Online
Authors: Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter
never had the chance to wear. Nicole had learned never to fully unpack her bag, and to always have one ready, since Bahir loved to change his mind about when she would be traveling and where.
    It was not his most endearing quality.
    She washed up and slid into her dress, eating a protein bar as she headed out the door, purse on her shoulder, ready for adventure. She felt lighthearted and giddy, trying to take in the fact that she might have very little work to do over the next eight hours. What a concept!
    As she stepped into the lobby and out the door, she was surprised to see a long, black limo parked by the curb. The driver stood at the door waiting for her, and he pulled it open as she approached. Bahir was grinning at her from the inside.
    “I thought you said you’d pick me up in the car,” she said, staring pointedly at the elaborately stretched limousine.
    Bahir shrugged, his grin infectious.
    Nicole crossed her arms and tried to look annoyed, but by his expression she could tell it wasn’t working.
    “This is a car, it’s just a little longer. If we’re going to take time off, we might as well do it in style!”
    Nicole sighed. “You are nothing if not subtle, Mr. Al-Jabbar,” she said, sliding into the limo and sitting across from Bahir, who was already pouring two glasses of champagne. She was surprised to see him looking casual in slacks and a T-shirt, when she had never seen him without an immaculately tailored suit on. It suited him, she thought.
    He handed her a glass flute as the limo pulled away, and she took it, purposely avoiding his fingers.
    He held up his own glass to her. “Cheers, to a day off!” he said, and Nicole clinked her glass against his, unsure of how to handle this version of Bahir. She had never seen him like this. He was so involved in his work that she had never even considered that he might know how to enjoy himself.
    “Cheers,” she agreed, taking a sip of the bubbly drink, and feeling excited.
    She gazed out the windows as the city passed them by, before looking back at Bahir, whose gaze darted away from her. “How much are you thinking about work right now?” she asked with a teasing gleam in her eye.
    Bahir cleared his throat. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, his glance darting left and right, then finally down at his pocket, where his smartphone was tucked away.
    Nicole peered at him over the rim of her glass as she sipped on the drink. “You’re wondering how many emails you have this morning, aren’t you?” she asked.
    Bahir huffed, though the sound was playful. “I’ll have you know I woke up early and checked my email already, so today’s business has already been dealt with.”
    “But now you’re wondering what they’ve said back. Has that task been completed? Is the next contract ready? What other slave work can I get Nicole to perform?”
    “Slave work!” Bahir laughed, setting his drink on one knee. “Finally, she speaks the truth! I knew you couldn’t keep your silence about the stresses of this job forever. You, Nicole, are a gem,” he said, taking another sip.
    With a fairly empty stomach, Nicole could already feel the alcohol taking effect, and she set her glass down. There was no way she would ruin her only day off by getting too drunk to enjoy it. Her mind drifted to her other potential job offer, but she brushed the thought aside. No need to think about that on a day like today.
    “So, are you going to check it?” Nicole asked.
    “Check what?” Bahir said.
    “Your email.”
    “Oh. No…” he said, his gaze darting back down to his pocket, the expression of longing evident on his face.
    “I won’t judge you, you know.”
    “But then no one can say that I can have fun, too,” he said.
    “I won’t tell,” Nicole replied.
    A look of relief washed over Bahir’s face as he pulled out his phone, unlocking

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