The Sheikh's Green Card Bride

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Book: Read The Sheikh's Green Card Bride for Free Online
Authors: Holly Rayner, Lara Hunter
the screen.
    “It’ll only be a moment,” he said, his expression apologetic.
    Nicole wondered why he would even feel the need to apologize. After all, she was in his employee. Doing some work on the way there was in no way untoward. She watched him as he scanned through emails, opening them up and typing lengthy answers with his thumbs.
    His face had relaxed as he focused on the many projects he was juggling at once, and Nicole smiled to herself as she gazed out the window once again.
    The crystal-clear waters of the Persian Gulf sparkled in the sunlight as they drove down a long stretch of highway along the coast. Buildings became sparser, in favor of desert countryside dotted with palm trees. Bahir continued to work in silence for a while longer before he finally put down his phone and took another sip of champagne. When he glanced over at Nicole, she wore a bemused expression as she stared at her own phone.
    “What is it?” he said, and she looked up at him.
    “You wouldn’t happen to know a woman named Cassandra, would you?” she asked, and Bahir frowned.
    “Maybe. Why?” he asked, cautious.
    Nicole smirked. “For some reason she thinks that she can schedule an appointment with you at your office this afternoon. It says, and I quote, ‘Bahir is expecting me for a very important business meeting, and it is imperative that you schedule me in this afternoon. Please advise as soon as this is scheduled.’”
    Nicole looked up at Bahir, waiting for him to answer, and he squirmed under her stare.
    “All right, all right, so we kind of dated. I don’t think we’re dating anymore, but apparently she disagrees.”
    “Bahir,” Nicole said, her voice admonishing. “Not another one.”
    “Another one! I haven’t dated that many women, Nicole,” he said, defensive.
    Nicole held up a hand and started counting them on her fingers. “There was that Australian woman, the one who you asked me to send flowers to, and write the break up card for, if I remember correctly. Ah yes, she threw a rock at my window after tracing the address back to our building. That was fun. Then there was the woman from Hong Kong. She was a real treat. Now it would seem dear Cassandra is not taking the boot very well either. I wonder what she’ll decide to throw at my window when I tell her there will be no meeting today?”
    Bahir smirked, his expression guilty. “I do find it a bit of a struggle to hold down a healthy relationship,” he admitted, and Nicole grinned.
    “Maybe stop dating crazy people, and then you might find a good match.”
    “I don’t think I have a good match,” he said, his expression suddenly serious.
    Nicole’s eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about? You’re a rich, handsome businessman. You’re everyone’s type.”
    “Maybe…but no one is my type. You more than anyone should know that love involves more than money and good looks. It requires someone you can confide in. Someone that accepts your lifestyle. No woman is willing to accept this part of me,” he said, waving at his phone.
    It was true that Bahir probably spent fourteen to sixteen hours of every day working, rather than sleeping or going out with friends or living a life. He spent his life in the office, and Nicole could see how that would get in the way of romance.
    “Maybe you should consider giving some of it up,” she said, and Bahir looked aghast.
    “I beg your pardon?” he said.
    Nicole shrugged her shoulders. “Something’s gotta give, right? If you want someone willing to give you their time, to love you as you deserve to be loved, then you should be willing to provide the same. If your business is your biggest love, then you shouldn’t bother wasting these girls’ time. It’s an empty promise.”
    Bahir stared at her then, until she had to look away. When she glanced back at him, he said, “You’re very annoying. Do you

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