Blood, Body and Mind

Read Blood, Body and Mind for Free Online

Book: Read Blood, Body and Mind for Free Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Romance
sat down on the toilet, a knock sounded at the bathroom door.
    “ Yes?”
    Duncan was standing just outside the open door to where she was. She didn’t have much energy left so she tilted her head slightly to look at him.
    Duncan was not tall, but his slender stature made him appear taller. His skin tone was fair, his hair red and very curly, even as short as it was. Her first thought was Irish. It was his eyes that startled her the most. They were the deepest shade of green that she had ever seen. His smile at her made her realize that he had been talking to her all the while she had been studying him.
    “ Miss? It is I, Duncan. May I inquire if you need anything? I have been instructed to aide you in any way that you require.”
    Sara watched as he fussed with the stack of towels in his arms.
    “ I was about to get into the shower. I’m pretty sure I can do that on my own, thanks. Unless you were told to help me with that too.”
    Sara had only planned to wash off and then sit down again. She suddenly something left uncovered in the fridge for too long.
    For a full minute, he didn’t say a word. His face, however, said it all. Shock, terror, and confusion flitted across his features as his face deepened in color, in embarrassment. She felt horrible about teasing him, and decided to help him out and revise her statement.
    “ No, Mr. Duncan, I’m going to get into the shower. Alone. I’ll be okay by myself. But thanks anyway.”
    “ Very well, miss,” he said with obvious relief in his voice. “Just pick up the phone and dial four if you need anything. Oh, and it’s just Duncan, not Mr.”
    “ All right, Duncan then. I’ll be sure to let you know if I can think of anything. Thank you.” He turned and looked at the bed. It was still made. She knew that he was wondering about it, but she didn’t have the energy to explain she had not slept in a real bed for so long. The hard floor was much more to her liking anyway.
    Forty-five minutes later, Sara walked into the kitchen, startling Duncan. Also, there sat the man who had lied to her—the man from the hangar. He was extremely handsome, this new master, she thought again. Arrogant as well, if the way he was looking at her was any indication of his personality. This morning, he was dressed in much the same manner as he had been during their initial meeting at the hangar—black jeans, dark blue rather than black tee today, and tennis shoes, also black. Why did they always dress like they were going to a funeral? she mused, somewhat surprised that she had even noticed.
    “ Miss Temple, how are you this fine morning?” The humor he wasn’t trying to hide in his voice made him sound almost human.
    “ Fine enough to wanna smack that smirk right off your face,” she told him. “And alive and kicking, no thanks to you either. You lied to me, bloodsucker.” She looked around the brightly lit kitchen with its bright new appliances. Sunlight streamed through the open windows, letting sounds of the early birds and smell of fresh cut lawn in. “Shouldn’t you be in your coffin somewhere, or something? The sun is shining; I would think you’d be a crispy critter by now. I could help you along if you’d like. We could move outside to where the sun would make a more direct hit.”
    Sara was being snarky, she knew it. She couldn’t seem to help herself. She heard Duncan’s sharp intake of breath. To be honest, she had forgotten that he was there. When Aaron threw back his head and roared with laughter, she turned to stare at him. Christ, she thought. His laugh went through her whole body, making her very aware of him as a man.
    “ Thank you, but no. Here is fine for now. As for the sunlight, I’m actually quite old. Therefore, I can stand the sunlight a little more than a younger vampire. As for you being alive, Miss Temple, I never said I’d take your life, only that I would end the one you were currently living. And I plan on doing just that, just

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