Blood, Body and Mind

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Book: Read Blood, Body and Mind for Free Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
Tags: Romance
answer his questions that frustrated him; it was that she totally and completely ignored him. She shut him out as tightly as if he was not even in the room. Even threats didn’t work, which should not have surprised him, seeing as to how she had asked him to end her life just a few days ago. He finally had to retire to the sublevels of his home. It wasn’t that he was admitting defeat; rather, he could not take the highest point of the sun. But he warned her that he was not finished yet. And damn it all to hell, he had never gotten one whiff of her scent again.
    At near sunset, Aaron went in search of Sara. He was going to get some answers from her or else...well, he would think about the “or else” later. He looked in the kitchen first, and encountered Duncan, who seemed to be enjoying himself watching a cooking show on the small television on the counter.
    “ What are you doing?” He heard himself snarl at Duncan and felt horrible about it. Just as Aaron was about to apologize to him, Duncan answered.
    “ I thought if Miss Sara was going to be staying with us for a while, I’d learn to cook. It seems easy enough. What do you think she would like for dinner tonight? There are so many shows to watch from which I can learn different dishes.”
    Duncan was excited. Excited about cooking? For a human? Aaron decided that he would enroll him in cooking classes at the next opportunity. Then Aaron realized that his manservant had thrown him off track of his goal—finding Sara.
    “ I could care less. Where is she? I would have thought she’d be up and about by now. Terrorizing the world as we know it.” Okay, he thought to himself, now I’m being an ass.
    “ I believe she is still abed, master. Oh, and Master Colin is here. He is below levels, I believe.”
    He only called him master when he was trying to make a point. But he was not in the mood to stay and figure out what it could be this time. Damn it, he was hungry and angry, not a good combination in most vamps. He wanted to find her. He turned on his heel and left the room. He was nearly up the stairs when he heard a small whimper.
    Aaron flashed to the bedroom door where she was staying and found the door shut, but not locked. He walked in and found the bed empty, as was the room, but the sheets were covered in blood. Suddenly afraid, he strode to the bathroom door and knocked once. The whimper sounded again.
    “ Miss Temple—Sara, are you all right? Open the door this instant.” He rattled the knob and knocked again.
    “ Go away.” Her voice sounded weak. He tired to open a connection to her mentally. Physically, he could smell her blood. He was not sure, however, if it was from the bed or the bathroom. A sudden thought occurred to him. Would she cut her own wrists?
    “ Are you hurt? Well of course you’re hurt, you’ve been shot. Do you need my assistance? Let me in to see to you. I’m telling you right now, young lady, you’d better not be bleeding to death in there. I’m going to be very pissed at you if you are.”
    He twisted the knob to no avail. He could unlock it on his own, but preferred to wait and see how she would respond and what that reveled of her capabilities, since that would reveal exactly what she was. Her powers were beyond what one would expect from a mere human being. “Open the damned door, Sara.”
    “ What part of ‘go away’ did you not understand? Don’t you people believe in privacy?” Even though she lowered her voice, he could still hear her mumble, “Stupid man. If I bleed to death, why should I care if he’s pissed off or not?”
    “ I’m not going anywhere, damn it. If you don’t tell me what’s wrong with you, I’m going to break it down.” He did not believe in all his life he had been more frustrated with someone.
    Just when he thought she was not going to answer, she said, “Isn’t there some rule where you have to be invited in or something? I like that rule. It’s a very smart rule when dealing

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