Midnight's Kiss

Read Midnight's Kiss for Free Online

Book: Read Midnight's Kiss for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary
anyone would’ve.”
    “If they’d been there,” she said, and looked over her shoulder at him.
    He stood to the side, his gaze on something outside through the opening in her tent as he lifted the flap a few inches to peer through it.
    Ronnie thought she’d pegged Arran as soon as she saw him, but even in the little time she’d spent with him, she realized she had been woefully wrong.
    With his attention diverted, Ronnie peeled off her wet button-down and tank before hastily pulling on one of her old Stanford sweatshirts.
    *   *   *
    Arran kept his gaze focused outside, but inside the tent he was aware of Ronnie’s every move. From the sound of the wet material leaving her body to her quick inhale as the cool air hit her bare skin. Somehow he managed to keep from looking at her while she changed shirts, which had been a feat in itself.
    He’d gotten a glimpse of her breasts as her shirt clung to them. They weren’t small or large. They were a perfect handful.
    And how he yearned to see them bared, to watch while her nipples grew rigid as he teased and suckled them.
    Arran knew he was attracted to Ronnie, he just hadn’t realized how great that attraction was until he’d held her.
    Felt her.
    Touched her.
    He knew the sensation of her body against him now. He’d embraced her, knew her softness, and longed for more. So very much more. How close he’d been to kissing her. She’d wanted it, would have accepted it.
    For his part, he couldn’t remember feeling such need to kiss a woman before. It had surprised him enough that it made him pause. Now he regretted that hesitation.
    Ronnie wanted to keep him at a safe distance, because of her own desires that she obviously didn’t trust. He’d been there less than an hour, and already his cock ached to be buried inside her, to feel her wet clingy heat as he filled her.
    Arran clenched his teeth. What the hell was wrong with him? Ever since he’d arrived at the dig site and the magic touched him, he’d been on edge, a strange sensation running through him that he hadn’t felt before.
    It wasn’t drough magic. That he knew.
    He’d spent the last year in constant company with Druids, so why would the magic be affecting him now? The only explanation was that it was ancient magic he was feeling.
    Whatever it was, he needed to get a hold of himself. Hastily. Ronnie had already told him she didn’t want him fooling around, and since all he wanted to do was toss her onto the cot and cover her body with his, it was getting damned problematic.
    Now he wished he’d brought another Warrior with him. This was supposed to be a simple mission. Arran should have known it would be anything but.
    “Why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?”
    Ronnie’s voice, cool and to the point, tugged his head around to her. Whatever desire had been in her hazel eyes before was banked. “What are you talking about?”
    “My foster father was a detective in our local police department. I know that alert look you have, the one that says you notice everything and everyone. Now, stop jerking me around and tell me what you’re really doing here.”
    Arran liked her forthright attitude. He studied her for a moment, noticing the faded lettering on her sweatshirt and the way locks of hair fell from the bun to hang alongside her face. He wondered how long her hair was, and if it was as silky as it appeared.
    He imagined it falling around him as she leaned over him, slowly lowering herself on him. His hand fisted as he thought of sliding his hands through her hair and winding it around his fingers.
    “I’m here to help with the dig. I’m interested in it, and that’s the truth. Aye, I notice things. It’s what I do. It’s part of me and no’ something I can change.”
    “Men like you don’t just show up for no reason.”
    “That’s the second time today you’ve said ‘men like me.’ Do I frighten you, lass?”
    She lifted her chin and stuffed her fingers in the front

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