Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour
way you can tell if the lasers are active?”
    “Not until they power up the coils. They’re not powered right now, but that doesn’t mean much.”
    “What model?”
    “Not sure. They might be the old Northrop HK-2100.”
    Gina whistled silently. “Heavy stuff, but they always did take a minimum of two minutes to power up.”
    “I know, but they might be a newer model. I only glimpsed them for a second.”
    Gina pondered her options. She wasn’t here to take the rebels captive, and she certainly wasn’t here to take the base. Her primary mission was to deactivate the missile batteries, but if she could reduce the rest of the defences as well, so much the better.
    “We’ll use the launchers.”
    She tensed. “Are you pulling rank?”
    Eric hesitated. “No.”
    “Then we use the launchers.” She activated her comm. “Eagles Four and Nine, Eagle One. Get set up, but wait for the command.”
    “Four copies.”
    “Eagle Nine copies.”
    Frankowski and Westfield shuffled away to either side to set up the launchers. If all went well, they would take out the towers before the lasers could be powered up.
    Gina shifted her attention to what she could see of the mine entrance—not a great deal in the dark. She switched to thermal imaging, but again there was nothing to see. Where was everybody? Where were all the rabid and rebellious terrorists? All she could find were a couple of civs playing soldier. Back in the monochrome world of light amplification, she studied the guards. She didn’t think much of them. They were completely oblivious to her presence. They were walking the perimeter as if motion sensors had never been invented. How the idiots had ever been given such responsibility was beyond her. They were acting like a couple of goons on Zelda’s show.
    “Fools,” she muttered.
    Eric nodded. “Nothing but foolish children, Gina, but still dangerous. Anyone can set a fire that will burn down your house—even wilful children. The Alliance is full of them. You don’t know how many times I have… never mind.”
    She would have liked to hear more, but she was interrupted by a warning beep from her comm. “Eagle Nine, Eagle One, go.”
    “Eagle Nine in position.”
    “Copy that. Wait orders.”
    Gina changed frequencies. “Eagle Six status?”
    “Just about done, Gunny. I had to move further than planned. The damn trees were in my way.”
    “Copy that. On the command, I want two rounds apiece on the sentry guns—take them out first. The chances are good that the turrets contain AA lasers—the old Northrop HK-2100 model.”
    “That’s handy,” Westfield muttered.
    Gina ignored the sarcasm. “I want the towers gone as soon as you finish with the guns. Copy?”
    “Copy that. My pleasure to serve.”
    She grinned and changed channels to give Frankowski similar orders. Eric was watching the base intently while she spoke with her people. He had a vaguely puzzled look upon his face. Gina opened her visor and was instantly plunged into darkness. She didn’t need her imaging systems to see Eric.
    “What’s wrong?”
    Eric shook his head. “I don’t know, something’s not right. It’s too quiet.”
    That was a bonus to Gina’s way of thinking. She had surprise on her side. “It’s after midnight.”
    “That’s the point. When I was here last, the rebels moved around mostly at night to avoid detection.”
    Gina frowned. There was nothing to cause concern, and that lack suddenly sparked it. It made her nervous. Trying to shake her unease, she concentrated on business.
    “I’ve ordered the towers lit up after the guns. With luck they won’t know what’s hit them until too late.”
    Eric nodded. “I’ll take out the guards. Be ready to lead your people after me. Do not deviate from my path, Gina, and that is an order.”
    “Aye, aye, sir,” she said automatically and was glad the others hadn’t heard her when Eric glared. He was supposed to be a civ. He really

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