Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour

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Book: Read Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour for Free Online
Authors: Mark E. Cooper
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Military, War, alien invasion, cyborg, space marines, merkiaari wars
didn’t like her calling him, sir.
    Eric held up five fingers and began counting down.
    Gina quickly slapped her visor closed and contacted her people. “…three, two, one, now! ”
    Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf!
    The first four rounds were still in the air when another four were launched to join them. Explosions shattered the night. Gina’s optics flared white as the flashes overloaded sensitive pickups. She switched to thermal imaging for a moment before giving it up as a bad job. She would have to rely on her MK1 eyeballs for now.
    Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf!
    The sentry guns were gone, turned to pillars of fire and flashes of light as their ammo cooked off. She winced as a particularly violent detonation shook the air. She ducked as something whirred overhead and struck the trees behind.
    It’s bloody dangerous out here!
    Eric’s pulser was tracking and firing. She watched him pick out one target after another with unfailing accuracy. It was like watching a sentry gun. He was machine-like in his precision. She had never believed the propaganda about the 501 st . That they were consummate soldiers, yes. That vipers had saved humanity at a time when nothing else could have—absolutely, but that they were inhuman robots incapable of real feelings… robots that killed without compunction or mercy? No. Seeing Eric like this shook her convictions, but then she remembered that this was Eric and not some machine. She knew him. At least she knew him enough to discount most of the stories.
    Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf! Pooomf!
    She watched the first tower fall, but she didn’t have time to see it strike the ground. Eric had finished his methodical butchery and was getting ready to move into the minefield.
    “Eagles Four and Nine, hold your positions,” she ordered over the comm. “The rest of you follow me. Two has point.”
    Gina hastened to follow Eric as he meandered his way toward the objective. She was careful to follow his movements exactly. Only he knew the safe route through the minefield… if the rebels hadn’t changed it. She breathed easier when they reached the perimeter fence without mishap. Eric cut the wire and was inside on his belly before Gina could blink. She followed and lay next to a makeshift APC. Both vehicles, though civilian in design, had been extensively modified through application of armour plating. She could see the twin snub barrels of what looked like an M306-AA pulser. That kind of weaponry was a serious threat to the regiment’s transports and needed taking care of.
    Gina quickly assessed her squad. They were prone and well hidden by cavorting shadows caused by the fires. “Eagles Six and Seven, take care of those pulsers.”
    While her people were taking care of the pulsers by application of CTX15 (remote detonated charges), Gina followed Eric as he ran across the compound toward the mineshaft.
    “No guards?” Gina said as she peered into the mine entrance.
    “Over confident,” Eric said though he didn’t sound sure.
    Gina used her sensors to scan for the rebels, but the shaft seemed deserted. “Take us to the command centre.”
    Eric nodded and led the way inside. The tunnels were dark. Without her sensors, Gina would have been completely blind. Light amplification needed some light to work with and here there was none. She switched to thermal imaging and followed Eric carefully. She had to rely on his enhanced abilities now more than ever. Her own sensors were giving fuzzy readings and shadows where there should be none. There was something in the tunnel walls interfering with her equipment. She tried to refine the data her sensors displayed on her HUD, but after a moment, she gave it up as a bad job. Eric gave no sign that he was having the same difficulties; he crept passed one side tunnel after another as if sure they were unoccupied. She hoped he was right.
    Gina had her pulser ready, but she was still taken by surprise. She hit the dirt as

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