Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour

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Book: Read Merkiaari Wars: 02 - What Price Honour for Free Online
Authors: Mark E. Cooper
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space Opera, Military, War, alien invasion, cyborg, space marines, merkiaari wars
the rebels opened up on her. Eric rolled to the left and used the tunnel wall to shield himself while she laid down covering fire. Eric aimed and took a rebel’s leg off at the knee. The shrill screaming was an efficient way of distracting the man’s comrades, and Eric took full advantage. Almost as soon as the screaming began, the fight ended with his pulser bolts finding targets. Fire from the rebels ceased as the last man fell. The remaining rebel continued screaming in agony, but they took no notice. They were too busy charging into the empty command centre.
    “What the hell is going on?” Gina said, and squinted around the brightly lit but empty control room.
    “Don’t know,” Eric said absently as he sat at an empty consol and used the controls to change the views on the security monitors. “The barracks and motor pool are both empty,” he murmured. “They’ve abandoned the place.”
    “Abandoned it, or is it just empty at the moment?”
    Eric turned toward her with a frown upon his face. “What?”
    “Those guards you killed didn’t abandon it did they? They fought as if this place was important.”
    Eric looked back at the monitors. “They’ve gone on a raid.”
    She nodded grimly. “Disable the mines and missile batteries.”
    Eric started trashing the consols. While he took care of that, Gina took a moment to contact her people.
    “Eagles Four and Nine, Eagle One. It’s all in the crapper here. Come in and meet me.”
    “Eagle Four copies.”
    “Nine copies.”
    “I’m done,” Eric said looking up from a smoking consol.
    Gina looked around at the destruction with approval. “Let’s go, and don’t forget your prisoner.”
    Eric ducked out the door to retrieve the still screaming rebel.
    From the doorway, Gina glanced back at the destruction and decided the rebels might be able to repair the damage. She couldn’t allow that. She slung her rifle and unclipped a brace of grenades from her webbing. She depressed the triggers and lobbed them underhand through the door.
    “Fire in the hole,” Gina shouted and sprinted down the tunnel. Both grenades went off and the tunnel roof collapsed behind her.
    Outside in the compound, numerous bonfires lit the night. She took a second to reassure herself that all her people were unharmed before contacting base.
    “Gold One, Eagle One.”
    “Eagle One, Gold One. Go,” Major Stein said.
    “The mission is a bust, sir. We neutralised the lasers, missile launchers, and pretty much the entire base.”
    “I hear a but coming, Gunny.”
    Gina grimaced. “Yes, sir, there’s definitely a but. Apart from a few guards, the damn rebels are missing. Eric thinks they chose tonight for some kind of raid. I concur, sir.”
    “Copy that,” Stein said grimly. “I think I know their target and there’s not much time. I’m sending the transport to pick your team up.”
    “Understood. Eagle One clear.”
    “Gold One clear.”
    Gina turned her attention to Eric and his prisoner. Her Marines had fallen in and set up a defensive perimeter around her and Eric. The prisoner stopped screaming as Hollings pumped a dose of Fentanyl into him. Although its effect was of a short duration, Fentanyl Citrate was the strongest narcotic they carried. The rebel was hardly likely to die from something as minor as the loss of a leg, but if he didn’t cooperate, he would wish he had.
    “What is the target?” Eric asked intently.
    “ Fuck you! ” the wild-eyed man spat.
    “Fuck me?” Eric said mildly. He reached out and crushed the man’s stump viciously. “I don’t think so.”
    “ AEiii! ” the rebel screamed and jerked trying to free himself, but Eric wouldn’t allow it.
    Gina swallowed but didn’t look away. Westfield glanced over his shoulder at her, but she waved him back to his survey of the compound. They didn’t need to be taken by surprise twice in one night. Looked at one way, the mission was a success. Her single squad had destroyed the rebel’s entire

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