Me Before You: A Novel

Read Me Before You: A Novel for Free Online

Book: Read Me Before You: A Novel for Free Online
Authors: Jojo Moyes
and Randolph the goldfish. And how often was that stiff mother of his going to be around? I didn’t like the thought of being watched all the time. Mrs Traynor seemed like the kind of woman whose gaze turned capable hands into fingers and thumbs.
    ‘Patrick, what do you think of it all, then?’
    Patrick took a long slug of water, and shrugged.
    Outside, the rain beat on the windowpanes, just audible over the clatter of plates and cutlery.
    ‘It’s good money, Bernard. Better than working nights at the chicken factory, anyway.’
    There was a general murmur of agreement around the table.
    ‘Well, it comes to something when the best you can all say about my new career is that it’s better than hauling chicken carcasses around the inside of an aircraft hangar,’ I said.
    ‘Well, you could always get fit in the meantime and go and do some of your personal training stuff with Patrick here.’
    ‘Get fit. Thanks, Dad.’ I had been about to reach for another potato, and now changed my mind.
    ‘Well, why not?’ Mum looked as if she might actually sit down – everyone paused briefly, but no, she was up again, helping Granddad to some gravy. ‘It might be worth bearing in mind for the future. You’ve certainly got the gift of the gab.’
    ‘She has the gift of the flab.’ Dad snorted.
    ‘I’ve just
myself a job,’ I said. ‘Paying more than the last one too, if you don’t mind.’
    ‘But it is only temporary,’ Patrick interjected. ‘Your Dad’s right. You might want to start getting in shape while you do it. You could be a good personal trainer, if you put in a bit of effort.’
    ‘I don’t
to be a personal trainer. I don’t fancy … all that … bouncing.’ I mouthed an insult at Patrick, who grinned.
    ‘What Lou wants is a job where she can put her feet up and watch daytime telly while feeding old Ironside there through a straw,’ said Treena.
    ‘Yes. Because rearranging limp dahlias into buckets of water requires so much physical and mental effort, doesn’t it, Treen?’
    ‘We’re teasing you, love.’ Dad raised his mug of tea. ‘It’s great that you’ve got a job. We’re proud of you already. And I bet you, once you slide those feet of yours under the table at the big house those buggers won’t want to get rid of you.’
    ‘Bugger,’ said Thomas.
    ‘Not me,’ said Dad, chewing, before Mum could say a thing.

    ‘This is the annexe. It used to be stables, but we realized it would suit Will rather better than the house as it’s all on one floor. This is the spare room so that Nathan can stay over if necessary. We needed someone quite often in the early days.’
    Mrs Traynor walked briskly down the corridor, gesturing from one doorway to the other, without looking back, her high heels clacking on the flagstones. There seemed to be an expectation that I would keep up.
    ‘The keys to the car are here. I’ve put you on our insurance. I’m trusting the details you gave me were correct. Nathan should be able to show you how the ramp works. All you have to do is help Will position properly and the vehicle will do the rest. Although … he’s not desperately keen to go anywhere at the moment.’
    ‘It is a bit chilly out,’ I said.
    Mrs Traynor didn’t seem to hear me.
    ‘You can make yourself tea and coffee in the kitchen. I keep the cupboards stocked. The bathroom is through here –’
    She opened the door and I stared at the white metal and plastic hoist that crouched over the bath. There was an open wet area under the shower, with a folded wheelchair beside it. In the corner a glass-fronted cabinet revealed neat stacks of shrink-wrapped bales. I couldn’tsee what they were from here, but it all gave off a faint scent of disinfectant.
    Mrs Traynor closed the door, and turned briefly to face me. ‘I should reiterate, it is very important that Will has someone with him all the time. A previous carer disappeared for several hours once to get her car fixed, and

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