Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

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Book: Read Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
    “Everything, but for you I’ll make my famous pizza, pasta casserole. It melts in your mouth.’’ Smiling, I hold back a giggle from how animated he is over his food. Antonio can talk for hours over food and not get bored or out of breath for a second. He’s that passionate about it. He told me once that where he lived was a poorer town and food was a luxury that people didn’t have over there. I think it’s another reason he took me in. He knows what it’s like to be hungry.
    “People say they starving, all day, every day, when, piccola ragazza, they do not know meaning of the word starving. We do.’’
    It wasn’t until that day when he said those words that I realised he was right. Even stupid comments like, ‘Starving Marvin,’ ‘I could eat a horse I’m that hungry,’ when in reality you don’t know the meaning of hungry until you’ve actually starved, gone weeks without food. It explained why he knew everyone from the food bank. It turns out he donated a lot of food and even offers full cooked meals every Sunday for the homeless. Granted, they need a ticket that the food bank gives them; otherwise anyone could walk in and have a free meal, even people who can afford it.
    I look to Max to find him licking his lips and nodding his head. I roll my eyes and I mentally slap myself. I seem to be rolling them a lot around him. I’ve only been with him five hours and already the little twerp has gotten under my skin. I’m putting it down to the fact he stuck up for me. He doesn’t seem to judge me and, in all honesty, I kind of like him.
    “Lake, you too?’’ Antonio asks with hopeful eyes.
    “She’s had the flu for the past two weeks, so something light for this one,’’ Max interrupts and I punch him in the side.
    “I have a mouth, I can talk,’’ I snap.
    “Yeah, you do,’’ he coughs, his eyes staring lustfully at my lips.
    “Oh, we have only a chicken and mushroom homemade soup on for today. This is not good for my piccola ragazza.’’
    “I love homemade chicken and mushroom soup,’’ I jump in before anyone can say anything else.
    “Good, good, it’s good,’’ Antonio tells me and then disappears into the back where the kitchen is.
    “Go take a seat at the table over by the window and I’ll bring it over. Would you like any drinks?’’ the waitress, Cam, asks and I give her a smile. She returns it with a giggle, her eyes flickering to Max before looking towards me with appreciation. 
    “Yeah, can I have two glasses of orange juice, please?’’ Max answers. She nods her head and before I can open my mouth and ask for water he pulls me over to the table by the window. It has the nicest view and I wonder if he knows that or if he just sat here randomly.
    The view overlooks the river and, with all the boats that float by it’s the most relaxing place to be. The water ripples, the trees rustle and in today’s case, the rain splatters on the window. You can’t beat the sound of rain to relax your mood. But for the first time, it doesn’t work for me and I turn my attention to Max.
    “Can you stop talking for me?’’ I hiss when we sit down.
    “I haven’t,’’ he dismisses and I look at him open mouthed. He can’t be serious. He’s been doing it all morning. God, he infuriates me. First he gets me caught hiding out in the church shed and now this.
    “Whatever! Just stop doing it.’’
    “You’re really feisty,’’ he winks. “I like it.’’
    I sigh, looking up to the ceiling. I can see this being a long lunch. Deep down, though, I kind of like his full-on behaviour. It’s refreshing and different.
    Lunch was entertaining to say the least. Max not only dominated all of the conversation – not taking a breath – but he also asked inappropriate questions. Worst one was what size tits did I have. I could have smacked him across the face but I’d been too stuffed from the wonderful food Antonio had fed me that I kept

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