Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

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Book: Read Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
shocked. “Of course you’re not. I just want to see what people say. So far it’s only us in this room that know I have the money. I want to see who points the finger first,’’ she shrugs mischievously.
    “You sly little dog,’’ Max chuckles. “This is awesome. We can go get something to eat and go meet up with Myles and Kayla. She isn’t in today either.’’
    “I didn’t say you could have the day off, Max,’’ Joan tells him, wiping the smile off his smug face.
    “Oh, come on, she needs company. She’s been holed up in her room like a hermit for two weeks,’’ Max argues.
    “I had the flu,’’ I defend, then realise I shouldn’t have reacted. He winks but turns back to Joan with a puppy dog look. She can’t really be buying this crap.
    “You’re right, Max. It will be nice for Lake to get to know all of you. Maybe you can join Denny and Harlow? They said they were watching a movie later.’’
    “I’m right here,’’ I speak up, waving my arms around.
    “That’s a great idea. She needs to get used to us and used to socialising,’’ Max agrees.
    “Are we going?’’ I snap, turning around to face Max. His body is closer than I first thought and it has me taking a step back. Tingles of awareness shoot up my spine and I hate how his closeness affects me.
    “Yes, come on. I think I can shout out for a coke, too,’’ he smiles. I ignore him; looking to Joan worried about this money crap.
    “Go on, I’ll sort all this out,’’ she tells me, her hand touching my cheek lightly. Her hand is cold but the soft touch has my heart clenching and again I have to fight back tears.

Chapter Two
    Max drags me down the street towards the local pub I used to scrounge food from. The chef, Antonio, saw me one night hanging around in the alleyway – hungry, cold and wet from the rain. He invited me into the kitchen and fed me after much persuading. It was Antonio that introduced me to Joan and got me the job at the church. It wasn’t for much money but every penny counts when you’re homeless, hungry and freezing cold. We’ve been close friends ever since. I really like him. And it doesn’t hurt his food is dee-lish-ous.
    My face immediately warms up when we walk into the warm pub and see Antonio standing at the end of the bar chatting up one of the newer waitresses. She’s around the same age as him – short hair, dyed purple, and an hourglass figure. From what I remember she’s divorced and has three kids. She seems nice and Antonio seems pretty smitten with her.
    When the door shuts behind Max, Antonio looks our way. When he sees it’s me, a huge grin spreads across his face. He’s a handsome man, middle aged, tanned skin and is quite lean for a dude his age. His hair is cropped short and he’s always sporting a five o’clock shadow.
    “I think he wants me,’’ Max whispers close to my ear, sounding frightened. The sensation of his breath on my neck has me breaking out in a sweat and a delicious shiver runs down my spine.
    “Lake, my girl,’’ Antonio shouts across the pub, his arms open wide.
    “Or not,’’ Max mutters and I fight the urge to giggle. He actually sounds disappointed that Antonio didn’t want him.
    “Hey, Antonio,’’ I greet coolly.
    “You’re too skinny, piccola ragazza. You need fattening up,’’ he scolds, shaking his head. I can feel Max’s eyes on me and I can only wonder what is going through his depraved head. “Who is this young man?’’
    “Max. I’m a friend,’’ Max says shocking me. His easy banter and cocky attitude has disappeared. He’s all serious and straight-faced. I’m also surprised he knows how to be polite, especially to an elder.
    “She needs a friend,’’ Antonio agrees, nodding his head. I just shake mine and roll my eyes. What the hell is it with people talking about me like I’m not here today?
    “I said that too,’’ Max nods and grabs a menu off the bar. “What’s the best thing to

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