Manhunter Revelations
in. So bounty hunting as an
occupation has expanded worldwide as a big business, albeit a very
dangerous business. Bounty hunting is contracted out to private
individuals or private organizations, and the pay was very good.
You see extradition treaties no longer existed worldwide. Warrants
issued for someone's arrest was good worldwide, but it was the
responsibility of the contracted bounty hunter to get the perp or
perps back to the contracting law enforcement or government agency.
So as an occupation the life expectancy of bounty hunters is
measured at around half a dozen years. I however have been in the
business full time for nine years now. My uncle before his
disappearance had been in the business almost twenty-one years.
Combine that longevity with the fact I have developed a reputation
for being able to find and bring in the worse of the worse and
one's rep tends to build up. That is the case with my present
contract. Mr. Lenevos while being rich and powerful, has pissed off
a very powerful governmental agency in Canada and broke some
Canadian laws in the process. They want him back in a very bad way
for justice. With him being rich and powerful my job wasn't easy.
He had the means to stay hidden wherever he wanted to, where law
enforcement couldn't find him. Unfortunately for him I was
contracted to track him down and even though it took me a few weeks
to do so, I had. Now I figured I would have roughly three hours or
so before Lenevos, Kilgore and a squad of their goons showed up to
play. I was sure Lenevos would show and not just send Kilgore. I
had come into his home, threatened him and his family and basically
made him look weak and impotent in his own home. His personality
from what I was able to dig up showed he would want retribution for
my actions in person.

    I switched out of the suit I wore and into my
combat outfit and rig. This consisted of black Nano Jeans, and a
black long sleeve Nano Pullover form fitting shirt. I pulled on my
black combat boots with the special half-inch thick Flo-Tech one
piece soles. These sole allowed me to walk virtually soundless.
These boots could take me for a walk thru hell in comfort. I then
strapped on my hip my Dynotyne 44C Auto Pistol chambered in .44C
caliber caseless ammo, capacity twelve rounds. In today's world of
laser guns, blasters and such, my guns were considered antiques.
Yet I love the feel of the big gun which was slim, but overall was
12.4" long and deadly accurate out to one hundred yards. I then
strapped on my shoulder rig which contained my Dynotyne 40C Auto
Pistol, which was of the same general design, but smaller, at only
8.2" inches long, chambered in .40C caliber caseless ammo, capacity
nineteen rounds. Around 2045, Dynotyne Products designed the .44C
caliber caseless ammo for law enforcement and the military. They
later designed the 44C Auto Pistol, capacity twelve rounds to fire
the new rounds. A year later the 40C Auto Pistol and ammo was
produced. The mags for these guns are completely disposable, after
firing, so switching mags was as simple as hitting the mag release
with my thumb, which kicked the mag positively out even if the gun
was upside down, or under water, and slamming in the new mag. The
greatest claim for the guns was that they were jam proof, and in my
years of using them, they have never jammed. I didn't take any
chances though by maintaining my guns diligently. Due to the
caseless propellant, they would fire under water, and reportedly in
the vacuum of space, although I haven't had occasion to test the
guns in space. Over the years I have found the guns to be
relentlessly reliable and accurate. The newer guns of today was big
bulky things, hard to conceal, except for some lasers and outlawed
needle guns. They were however very efficient killing instruments,
and in some cases highly destructive. Gun laws in the country had
loosen a lot where the average citizen could be armed, but only
after extensive training and only outside of the

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