Manhunter Revelations
new Mega Cities.
This was due in part to the vast uninhabited regions of the country
people had to travel through to get to another Mega City, smaller
town or village and the fact that crime was a major problem in the
wild, not to mention the resurgent wildlife. The newly established
police forces patrolled the wilderness, but it could still take
them some time to get to you if you called for help. That's why it
was highly recommended that people use the high-speed train lines
or passenger jets for travel between cities, which were heavily
protected. Travel between the cities any other way was not
recommended, but there were people who choose to travel their own
way. Only small Class Two and Three lasers or projectile guns were
allowed to be carried, unless you were in Law Enforcement, or Felon
Apprehension, which bounty hunting fell under. The technology of
bulletproof vests had fallen behind firearms development since
lasers could cut right through them in seconds. To date no material
except Nano Core Body Armor which was strictly for law enforcement
use and was extremely light weight and flexible could stand up to a
Class Four or Five laser which was the weapons of choice for
practically all law enforcement and bounty hunters. Bounty hunters
could carry projectile weapons if they so choose. Needle Guns and
Class Six and Seven lasers was for the military's use. A Class
Seven Laser was capable of cutting through Nano Core Body Armor,
although you had to keep the beam on the target for a quite some
time to do so. Nano Core Reflexed Armor was used by the military in
the production of the military's Battle Suits, battle tanks and
other vehicles. This made both the soldier and vehicles light
weight, fast and powerful. These armored military vehicles were
equipped with Class Nine lasers. Military battle tanks were
equipped with Class Eleven and Class Twelve lasers and navy vessels
were equipped with the newer Class Fourteen (and reportedly Class
Fifteen) lasers, which was incredibly destructive. As a result Nano
Core Reflex Armor technology was one of the most highly guarded
secrets of the military.

    When I finished changing I was a completely
different man from the one who had arrogantly invaded Lenevos home.
I had padded my physical appearance to appear twice as bulky as I
was, as well as cosmetic face makeup to change my facial appearance
to insure I got into the compound in case Lenevos men had ID
recognition equipment, which they did. I had spotted the camera
previously while conducting my surveillance. If I had been ID'ed
before I got in, my whole plan would have fallen apart, and I would
have been exposed in the open. I had a backup plan in case that
happened, but I was really glad I didn't have to fall back on that.
Especially since there were children on the estate. After I
finished donning my rigs I then checked all the equipment to make
sure everything was set, and then hunkered down to wait. I was
situated about twenty feet up on an arch hidden from view. I had
waited for barely an hour before my detectors went off notifying me
on my handheld comm that someone had broken the perimeter around
the warehouse. Lenevos must be pissed off at me big time to get
here so fast. Five minutes later I heard the front door slowly
opening and the detectors on my handheld comm for the roof and back
door also went off. A few seconds later Lenevos and three of his
goons slowly walked into view. I could barely hear them, but
Kilgore and some others were entering through the roof and back
door. Lenevos started shouting my name.
    "Conrad. It is time for our second meeting
and discussion. Please do not pretend you are not here. I know you
are. My tag would have told me if you had gotten three hundred
yards from it. It also informed me that you are here alone”
    Hum, I didn't know that. That bug was more
high tech than I thought.
    "Please Conrad. My men have all possible
exits covered. Come out and we will dispatch this matter

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