Manhunter Revelations
After all you did ask for me to come and surrender. So here I
    I had left a work bench in the middle of the
floor under some lights where it
    looked as if I had been working on some
equipment. On it was a broken datapad, which I was sure Lenevos
would recognize since it belonged to Skobla-Han. Sure enough, one
of Lenevos' goons spotted it and shouted out "Boss, look" as he
pointed to the datapad. Lenevos face lit up as he no doubt thought
that the datapad still had the info in it that he wanted, or it
might lead him back to Skobla-Han. Approaching the workbench at a
fast walk, he stopped about a dozen feet away as his survival
instincts kicked in.
    "Wait" he shouted. "It may be booby
    It wasn't, but he had walked into the trap. I
hit the release on the overhead trap and dropped the Capture Net
down on Lenevos and his men. The net was composed of Fabroid
Covered Crystal-Nano fibers and as such was practically
unbreakable. It is a two stage net, where as the net hits the floor
it drives anchor bolts two feet into the ground which then extended
eight three inch spikes out positively locking the net in place.
The Fabroid material ensured the individual captured was not
injured as the net locked down. Lenevos heard the trap release and
tried to run, but the net dropped too fast. The anchors slammed
into the warehouse concrete floor with a dull bang followed a split
second later by the sound of the spikes extending. The floor under
each anchor shattered into pieces but held as the anchors locked
into the floor. The net slammed down on Lenevos and two of his
goons, driving his men flat and Lenevos to his knees. The goon who
had pointed out the datapad was one of the men driven to the floor
and may have been knocked senseless as he was caught under the edge
of the net which drove his head into the floor while trapping him
partially under the net. The last goon not being so near Lenevos at
the time was not caught under the net, and had drawn a weapon as he
scanned the area for the threat, namely me. Lenevos himself roared
with rage and actually managed to stand up before the net pulled
him back down again. He was caught and wouldn't get out until I
activated the net's release. These nets had been developed to catch
the Mut-Gorillas that had been a dangerous threat in years passed.
Even if he had a laser torch, it would take him three hours to cut
one strand of the net. The other goon who wasn't trapped shifted
his position over near Lenevos and maintained that position
protecting his boss. This showed me his men were well trained, as
he didn't rush over to try and free his boss. Even so I was able to
take my attention away from Lenevos and concentrate on Kilgore and
the other goons who were rapidly approaching. Four of them came
into view from the back advancing slowly. The goon standing guard
over Lenevos, shouted
    "Careful, there may be more traps"
    "Search the rafters" shouted Lenevos. That's
the only place he can have a good view of the floor. Willet, Tomas
come over here and help me out of this net, so I can rip that skunk
rat's arms off personally"
    Skunk Rat? I had suspected that Kilgore was
ex-military. The training and poise
    his men was showing confirmed it. Yet where
is he? I would have thought he would have come in with Lenevos from
the front or at least be in command of the back door force.
    Two goons split off and started searching for
me with flashlights shining at
    the rafters. The other two henchmen moved
over to try and get Lenevos out from under the net. As the two who
were looking for me fanned out cautiously looking for more traps
and scanned the rafters for me, I waited patiently as they moved.
When they were in one of the zones I had set up, I sprung trap
number two. Hitting another button on my comm ten small bulbs,
which at first glance looked like small pebbles on the floor popped
open quietly releasing a knock out gas on the slowly advancing
goons and before they knew what happened,

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