Last Chance

Read Last Chance for Free Online

Book: Read Last Chance for Free Online
Authors: Viki Lyn
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
same. The screen saver showed an oil portrait of a man from another century.

    “Who's this?” He pointed to the screen image. The man had a feminine, brooding mouth offset by a long, sharp nose and severe brows. He wondered if this was one of Stu's favorite poets.

    Stu shut the curtains before answering. “That's Lord Byron.”

    “Ah, one of your heroes, then.”

    “Died at thirty-six. Did you know he was born with a clubfoot?”

    “Can't say I did.”

    “Imagine having a disability like that during the eighteenth century. Being called a lame boy, ridiculed. But he was handsome and had plenty of lovers.”

    Aric turned back to the screen and studied the portrait more closely. He knew all about being teased for being different. A warmth spread across his chest as Stu stepped near him and bent around to shut down his laptop. Their bodies brushed against each other, causing his heart to thump as he caught a whiff of Stu's scent. Aric turned and hurried past him. The sofa looked safe enough. He sat down with a razor-straight back on the edge of the sofa cushion, hands folded in his lap.

    “How long have you lived here?” He was surprised Stu could afford such an expensive place.

    “I bought it as an investment when I was recruited here. Cor handles our trust, and he's generous.”

    Not only was this guy handsome, but also rich. “Cor?”

    “Corbin, my brother.”

    Aric wished he'd turned down Stu's invitation to stay here. All he could see from his vantage point was the very large king-size bed shoved against the wall, taking up too much space. He swallowed a dry lump stuck in his throat, weaving his fingers together, unable to relax. No way would Stu Hamilton strip naked and crawl under the covers with another man.

    He needed to ask so many questions, but being in Stu's presence stifled his tongue. Stu was not forthcoming about his knowledge of the vampire or what happened in the parking lot. Aric had heard what sounded like a battle waging between two ruthless beasts.

    The urge for blood was overtaking his control. He was uncomfortable and exhausted. He had to find a way to feed without Stu knowing about it.

    Stu opened the fridge and took out two bottles of beer. He handed one to Aric. Aric twisted off the cap and took a long draft. The ice-cold brew cooled his parched throat. Stu sat next to him and swigged his down in seconds. Aric watched the arch of his throat and the thin muscle rising and falling. He glanced away and began to peel the label off the bottle. Aware of Stu's every movement, he tried desperately to maintain his composure, but the night's events had stirred his passions. The embers of lust simmered within him, waiting for any gesture or touch that would set them off. Scooting farther from Stu gave him distance, but it didn't dampen his desires. After chugging down the rest of his beer, he got a light buzz. He set the empty bottle on the coffee table, almost knocking it over.

    Stu reached for the bottle at the same time, and their hands met. Sapphire blue eyes met his gaze. He sucked in his breath. Stu's eyes were so bright and clear for such a late hour. Aric raised his hand and rested his fingers on the thread-thin cuts across Stu's cheek. Stu did not move or protest. It had been a long time since he'd touched a man, and he missed the intimacy of such a simple gesture.

    From those small cuts, he smelled the faint odor of dried blood. His pulse raced, warning him to escape temptation. “Do they hurt?” He traced the faint lines with his fingertips, then dropped his hand, aware he was being too forward.

    “No… No… It's nothing.” Stu's voice came out rather shaky.

    Aric pulled back farther, aware he was making Stu uncomfortable. “You should put something on them. They could get infected.”

    “They'll heal by tomorrow.”

    Aric rose suddenly and strode over to the window to open it. He hoped the fresh air would clear his head of Stu's alluring scent. Looking down on

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