obvious I’d scanned the hall. I wanted more ways out of here than through the door in which we came. It didn’t look like that was going to happen. Not that it mattered. One touch to the others and I could have us out in seconds if Sophia worked the transfer back.
Something washed over me, causing my skin to break out into goose bumps beneath my heavy fatigues. I stood still, not letting on that something had happened. Sophia turned to me with wide, scared eyes. The second my goose bumps shifted into fire scorching my skin, I missed a step and stumbled, crying out. Why weren’t the others affected by this too? Just me and Sophia. Me and—
Not good. Not good at all.
Guards moved in around us, drawing their weapons. Sophia nodded to me, and we spun on the ones closest to us, lunging at them. Pike reacted and brought his gun up, but it was too late.
The second either of us connected with a guard, the burly men threw Sophia and me back to the ground as if we were the size and weight of a child’s doll. My breath rushed from my lungs when I smacked against the ground. I had just enough time to force air into my lungs before guards descended upon us, slapping our wrists together with restraints.
wasn’t sure what they were hoping to attain by attacking the guards, but any chance we had at a peaceful talk ended right then and there. And oh, you could probably add “getting home” to that list, too. God only knew what we’d change by being gone. Unless this is what happened all along…
Time-travel hurt my brain. I preferred more tactile sciences.
Even though Pike, Chelsea, and Sophia did no damage, the Council threw us into prison cells made of stark white, plastic-metal material that wouldn’t break. Bars appeared around us and bright fluorescent lights shone down on us, blinding and warm.
Didn’t these future guys think the same thing I did? That if we stayed here, things could change? Then again, this being the future and all, they already knew what happened. In their present, we
go missing without explanation. Unless the change happened in real-time, in which case they wouldn’t?
Screw time-travel
About an hour later Germay’s people reemerged, only to take Pike in an attempt to figure out some sort of understanding. They shouldn’t have taken the Major. He wasn’t diplomatic enough. Sophia would’ve been the better option since these people were Atlantean.
I shook my head and squeezed the bridge of my nose and eyed Chelsea, who’d been silent since Pike left. She sat on the floor of the cell with her palms pressed against the stone as if she needed to steady herself. Sophia sat across the cell from her, doing the same.
Dr. Hill cleared his throat and sat on the bench. “We might have to consider the possibility of escaping without Major Pike. If we can.”
Chelsea sighed. “With neither Sophia nor I at full speed? Probably a bad idea.”
“Why’d they take your powers?” I asked her. It’s clear Germay’s people could hold us without them.
Chelsea looked up. Her hazel eyes stole my breath. A glimpse of those eyes held enough power to still the entire world. I missed her so much. I missed
“Probably because the lack of trust is mutual,” Chelsea said. “They don’t want us leaving or overpowering them. But I think they’ll come back. I can still feel my strength. It’s like during the hijacking two years ago.”
I furrowed my brow. “But these guys are Atlantean, too, aren’t they? Why wouldn’t they trust us?” As for their powers coming back… we’d have to wait and see on that one.
Dr. Hill shrugged and crossed his arms at his chest. “None of them exhibited abilities.”
“I could feel it,” Sophia and Chelsea said in unison.
Feel it
? Feel what?
The question must have been obvious on my face because Chelsea pushed herself up off the ground in response. “I’m with Sophia on this one. There’s this…” She trailed off, searching for the right
Jennifer Skully, Jasmine Haynes